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RE: Hive: Taking Advantage Of A Life-Changing Opportunity

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hive has changed my life and although I only joined in January 2021 a lot has happened since then. I found out about splinterlands for example and took a leap and invested some of my hard earned money into buying packs. When I saw the opportunity of buying land I took a leap of faith again and invested in a tract of land which was my best performing asset in 2021. Of course markets go backwards as well sometimes and it hurt to see that my collection value went from 100k to sub 50k but I am still 10x when I look at the initial investments.
I earned 1k HP with posting only and invested some of the HBD to buy other assets.
I put in a lot of time to research all the different coins and tokens and NFTs. Some made me a little profit others like CUB have made - 95% but I am still holding on to them because I understand the vision behind the project and strongly believe that it will at some point bring a lot of value.
With HBD in savings paying 20% APR my long term plan is concentrating to add slowly but steadily to my HBD holdings. And as I said before in a timespan of 30 years (I will be 70 years old by then) I will easily reach 1 million HBD in savings.
Consistency is key. So I will try to stay in the game as long as I can to make my old days as liveable as possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Amazing write up of your experience. It really epitomizes all that is available. We have so many different options arising. This shows how opportunities are abound for people who embrace it.

Those who realize how much we have before us if there is long-term focus.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It took me the last 2 years to realize how powerful long term can be. I was basically without knowledge of compounding and it hurts to think back on those times where I could have easily put aside a bunch of money and just by simply compounding it I could have made a small fortune. If I would have started at the age of twenty with the knowledge I have today I could probably already live off the interest.
But one important rule is: it is never too late to start.

The best time to start compounding was yesterday. The second best time: now.

So get busy and it will kick off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m 30 in august and this is my plan too. Live comfortable off interests anywhere in the world that is crypto friendly

Lets hope in a few years everywhere in the world will be cryptofriendly ;)

We seem to be the same age.

I wrote an article about reaching 1,000,000 HBD in 30 years. You "only" need 100 HBD to start, and $50 added in per month

With the power of time and that amazing 20% that alone will reach you HBD millionaire status.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As I look at your profile pic you might be a good 10-15 years younger than my almost 40 years. Time is the asset you need for compounding, the sooner someone starts the better. Good look with stacking that HBD and just do not stop!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well thanks for the compliment.

That picture is perhaps 2 years old?

But no, I am the oldest millennial, will be 41 in May.

I have always used my HBD to fund other projects, now HBD is the project.

I really look forward to the next few crypto years.

Oh wow you look really young on the picture even if I look at it with the 2 years difference :D
Lets get compounding than!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta