
Voting Mana is shown as Voting Power on #HiveBlocks (and others such as #HiveAusbit at 🤓 It is called "Mana" because the lower it is, the same "Energy" is consumed but the less effective it becomes until it is allowed to regenerate. 🤓😅 !LUV !CTP

I see. But it would be easier if it would be called "Mana" everywhere. !LOL Less chance to confusion !CTP

The person who invented the umbrella actually wanted to call it the 'brella.'
But he hesitated.

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@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @svanbo

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Maybe the Hive community should vote on that (though no matter what the result is, it should not be required for Hive dapps). 🤓😏 !LOL !CTP

Good idea that this kind of things could be voted. !love that. But are there regular voting possibilities for such kind of things? !CTP

One can just ask and answer questions on Question and Answer communities (such as Reverio, or CentBlog which turned into a Q&A community. 🤓 There is no dedicated Hive dapp for voting on (and discussing about) Hive frontend features. 😅 !PIZZA !CTP

Not sure if I understand well what this is. Reverio looks too "basic" like in "unelaborated layout" for me. So I entered in Centblog.
Apart from having the interface in Spanish instead of in English and not seeing where to change this, I can't see people asking simple questions...?...

It looks more like Ecency, witht eh difference that the upvotes are shown in Cents (payout is furtheron in HP or in Cents as well?)
Coorect me if I'm wrong !LUV !CTP

Even if the #Reverio frontend looks "basic", at least it gets the job of being a decent Q&A website done. 🤗 Regarding the #CentBlog frontend, it looks like the community users are still not yet updated with the transition of the community to a Q&A one (and are likely just interested in the CENT tokens which are pegged to $0.01 each). 😅

By the way, you might want to ask your first question on Reverio. 😏 !LUV !CTP

What did the retired detective call his new real-estate business?
Sherlock Homes.

Credit: reddit
@svanbo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

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