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RE: How Long until Saved by Soon?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The first half was interesting, but I think for the most part, we are moving quite a lot sideways - it is just sideways at a higher level than it was - which is far better :)

The inflation monster is already coming and I hope people are getting scared enough to protect themselves the best they can now.


Indeed which is scary, but I've been slowly building in Hive and Terra Network. 20% APY on stables is a good way to beat inflation. Hive just listed 12% APY on HBD which is exciting.

2022 is going to be a hard year, I'd anticipate recovery won't occur until 2025 once all that printed cash is paid back.

I suspect it will be well after 2025 for this one - it is extreme. The worst part is, it will be the bottom end that suffers the most. I am not quitting my jobs anytime soon I believe.

12% on HBD is decent :)

Yeah as always the working class suffers. Although there is a Labor shortage all this time off and people have realised they don't need as much money to live. I think the resetting of life goals and what's important was a big wake up call for many.