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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

Here is a fun question most can part take in.

What are your thoughts of tokenizing a professional sports team? Would you participate and put money into it?

If so, what sport/team would you like to see tokenized?

We know professional sports are big business and that fans are customers.

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tokenizing a professional sports team sounds a good idea but I am not much in sports so can't suggest any.

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My Philadelphia Eagles. But it would have to be something unique like a hologram or something else cutting-edge.

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I have no idea but I would probably say the Lakers/Clippers for me. As for putting money into it? I would say no given the current NBA landscape of politics (Lebron you are the reason why).

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Dallas Cowboys #howboutdemboyz

Our arch-rivals...

I miss Buddy Ryan!

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Like I miss Jimmy Johnson as our coach @evernotice.leo

Damn living in the past much.

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Dick Vermeil.

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Good 'ol Buddy was crusty and adorable, they loved him in Philly! :) Never be another like him.

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The Super Bowl title didnt hurt. Winning has a way of endearing a coach to fans.

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Shitty drafts. Terrible owner from a football perspective. Great from a financial one.

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The owners of my favorite teams are the biggest problems, but definitely great from a financial standpoint; none more than Jerry.

Jerry is like Al Davis and George Steinbrenner were for years. They thought they new better than their people.

Their egos got in the way.

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@taskmaster4450le oh my spot on. As a fan, you are always excited they will splurge for certain players; but not allowing those that know how to actually manage a sports organization is the major issue and why my teams haven’t won more championships.

Championships are won by the totality of the moves, not the signing of just stars. It is easy to figure that a star player will help. But it is the role players and the intangibles that win the titles.

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Totally agree. Being in Florida I see a team like the Rays be competitive with a small payroll and no big time superstar proves that point.

Oh add James Dolan to the list with the Knicks.

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I think this will definitely happen for most teams at some point. There will need to be a couple "leaders" that try it and figure out the pitfalls but, once they do, I would be very surprised if most other teams don't follow suit. I'd love to see the Vikings do it. I'd certainly pick a few up just to have them as "trophy" assets. I wouldn't really do it as an investment. Which is one of the reasons I think it will eventually work. The use-cases won't really need to exist. They'll be more in the collectible realm.

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The Packers already have something fairly similar although not tokenized. They have shareholders although from what I read they are basically worthless certificates that give people no input or financial gain.

Tokenization is going to enter all areas of life; I am convinced of that.

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Don't like Sports much but I would put my money in cricket teams of Indian Premier League. There is one team called Chennai Super Kings which perform better than most teams in all IPL seasons.

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From a return on investment perspective, the New York Yankees. Why? Well first you have the size of the market they serve plus a wide and enthusiastic fan base. Plus, they are about the best team money can buy in baseball.

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Yankees, Cowboys, Raiders, and Lakers are probably the best in American sports from the profit perspective.

Plus, they are about the best team money can buy in baseball.

Going on 12 years without a championship so I would say there were a lot other other teams that were better. LOL

Actually that title goes to the Dodgers the last 5 years or so. They outspent the Yankees by a fair margin over that time.

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Yes I guess I'm still stuck in the Yankees hey-day of a decade or so ago. Ah, those were the days to be a Yankee fan. A bag of shelled peanuts, a beer and a Yankee game made many a great Saturday afternoon for my friends and I.

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They still make a ton of money so from that perspective you were spot on. So if I was going to hold baseball tokens, it would be the Yankees probably over everyone else.

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I am not very big on sports, but since I grew up in South Jersey I would say the Eagles, Phillys, or Flyers all Philadelphia teams.

Now that I am back in Pennsylvania it fits. I always liked the Panthers though. I lived in North Carolina for quite some time.

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