
Is that even a question? It goes with almost everything where there is bread, pancake, pizza and anything in between :)


Yes, sometimes when it is too dry after reheating :P :D I do that - yes

Madness haha

Pizza shocked me!

I was being serious, we don't use it over here!

We use it most of the times with pancakes and breads. Sometimes with oatmeal.

Pancakes, and only pancakes. And the maple syrup has to be from Maine or Canadia. Also, it's a lot more expensive than the regular non-maple watered-down stuff we usualy buy to put on flapjacks #inthemorning.

I knew about pancakes, and I never really knew there was much of a difference.

Oh yeah. True maple syrup packs way more of a punch than the high fructose corn syrup additive found in our typical WATERED-DOWN breakfast pancake syrup. That's why maple is more expensive. It's so good! :)

I only like it on pancakes.

I did go to a diner that served bacon with maple syrup.

It was yum for the first bite... then just toooo rich haha

The thought of it is too rich for me!

Plus sausage, bacon and ham..

Never knew you put it on breakfast meats, that might be good.

Excellent on sausage especially

Maple syrup goes well with French toast. Also, when I'm feeling lazy but need to get rid of the hunger pains, I just drink it straight up. That's how we roll around here.

I love maple syrup

Love maple syrup and have even made my own batch! Breakfast foods, vegetables, yogurt, tea, ice cream, mustard, master cleanse, and so much more.