
Especially the ones that hurt the masses, eh?
Can we get the exponential 20 hive penalty for being poor taken off?

I still like a 500mv cap on voting, too.

The penalty is not 20 Hive and actually changes.

For most people it won't affect them and mostly targets posts and comments only voted by a single party. Most posts get over the curve. If not, then the author hasn't been discovered.

What happens if that 20 hive start point is changed to 5?

It becomes pointless. It isn’t a specific number it is a curve so if the intersection is targeted for a much smaller number the bulk of it is insignificant and doesn’t solve any problem.

The change has been extremely effective drastically reducing low end spam, in fact almost completely.

Unless you are self voting content with no other votes the curve doesn't really affect you.

It affects me greatly when I vote on comments.

Most of the people I vote don't make it to 2htu.

Comment voting is where it affects the most but it is also where most of the abuse it targets was.

Is there a graph of this curve that I can see?

Can you quantify how much abuse has it stopped?