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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Im first on how to bake clams? NIIIICE. This is a great post and now I have to go back and see where ya started. I like to make a lil chedder for my hive sammich. Some days my post expolde, but not hardly. I made posted in a community this past weekend and one of the head dudes thought I was gonna bash Ragge after he saw my title. But I didn't I just told the story of how I dig it. After that, it kinda blew up. Well for me it blew up. Ol boy said he could tell by my tags I was new. Told me to simmer down and think about what tags to utilize as I can get a lil more bang for my buck usiong the right tags.

Making that cash is like prety cool. I post on hive now more than I do on my other social media, aside from our business post there. I got my girl interested in the hive as i was making some coin. She wants to right and has a few post. But she don't know what to right about and she gets in her head and starts trippin. SO she wont write. Makes me sad because shes good at it. But she thinks folks are juding her stories n what not. I dunno.

As you may be able to tell. I never have a point, or do it just takes me awhile to get there. I cringe at the word "Niche" I have fought it for so long in our business and I will probably always fight it. My niche I think is about over coming adversity, midfulness, mental health, and living for today. I have no idea what tags to even nest that under. So I just pick random ones. See My girl and I both are plauged with mental illnesses. Most days are tough and the rest even tougher. We can get eachother through mostly but when we are both effd up at the same time, MAN ALIVE!!! We both understand human behavior pretty well in various degrees... This is funny. I do this all the time sidtrack I even put a disclamer at the begging of my post. If ya don't like this type of stopry telln, pop that clutch and boogie on down the roan... I had a thing to actuall say Mr. Dane Williamsd, or Mr. Desk of Dane Williams. But pur the Ush, I forgot it. TYvm for this post. Will you be doing one about tags? And how long do you reckon this series will be?

If you or anyone else made it through this mess of thought I would appologize, but I don't think people appologize for being eho they are... I'm just a dude with racing thought that can't keep from wondering off from the subject. I like to talk and some days I don't. Imma isolationist by trade but I love to socialize. Funny. N E WHO GRACIAS!!!

Have A Happy Day And Dont Forget To Be Awesome!!!


I was the first to post but It took more than 14 min to actually post it, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Posted using Neoxian City


I chuckled when I saw your comments about niches. I have been finding a lot of people with a range of interests who don't want to be locked into a niche to define their work. I recently relaunched my newsletter and called it "Nicheless and Loving It".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

you freakin get it!!!! @shadowspub I dunno if its getting pigeon holed or wtf ever it is. Just to hear some mention that word I freakin cringe. Now the area we live in is a great touristy niche. We would d so well if we were slinging Yosemite, or this towns collectable wear or some crap. But I cant bring myself to do it. More likely than not, we are loosing a lot of money, lol. STROOOOOOONG CONVICTIONS this boy ,boy. boy, I mean Yeti has. LOL

In this the creator economy, you can create a stream of income doing something that ties into the touristy schtick without locking yourself into a niche. It's just an income stream.

i HEAR YA @shadowspub . We sell shirts of the restaurant that my girl works out. Wanna know something odd tho. I have a couple colorful designs that say Yosemite on them. And then the same style with the restaurants name of them. Cafe sells more than the parks do. I dont get it.

likely because the Cafe is different ... People do like to get stuff that makes them kind of unique

That is true but it is hard to show expertise in a lot of areas. And when the numbers grow, where are people going to gravitate towards?

That is where building a brand enters. And it is hard to do that as a cross-section of many different communities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As I learned from Seth Godin some time ago, you don't have to be any more expert than knowing more than the reader you're creating content for. I create content on multiple subjects as I learn on multiple subjects. Some of them overlap.

In a world of billions, the concept of brand is what a person makes it. As a content creator, my brand is content that is either useful (my books) or informs (my writing).

Multiple audiences are not impossible to have. It can be one audience for one subject I'm known for or more that I'm known for.

In my offline community I'm known for my expertise in leadership, volunteerism and non-profits. Online I'm known for other things.

Finding a niche is easier said than done, for sure. You should be able to find something which already exists where you can publish your posts, make comments on other people's posts, and take it from there. At worst, you form your own community on Hive blockchain just so you have a place of your own.

Speaking of communities, there are literally 10s of thousands here. If nothing comes to mind, check out this list of communities as shown on PeakD. It's like reading the newspaper at the throne, so just be sure your legs don't fall asleep as you go through that list. If they fall asleep, you may as well keep going through that list until feeling returns to them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@magnacarta , funny thing. I actuallyy created my own community before I even made a post about me or anything!!! Then @traciyork and the INFAMOUS @lovesniper jumped my shit shit and said WHOOOOOA there big fella ur too big for em britches u be sporting. Take a step or a mile back and ease on into it. Since then I have only made a cpl post there in fear of retribution!!! HAHAHAHAHA..

As for the sleeping legs.. PFFT I have one of those lil foot pedle thingies to keep the blood a flowing, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Thx for the reply. Got me to lol and big ol smile on this grill first thing this AM.



I'm glad I was able to do that for you! We need whatever LOLs we can get, especially with markets being what they are and money being of less worth than it should be. Life isn't always about money, but it's just so in-your-face and out-the-door these days.

Soon I will be drinking the blood of my enemies through their skulls and listening to SLAAAAAAAAAYER!!!!! I just cant wait till we get back to basics. Bartering. I am way ahead of the game. I have so many old school says. like back from the 40's when humans were big time douche bags and were just willie nillie cutting down the giant Sequoias in Yosemite!! I have 12' spike. These, these are the things that are worth trading. cryptowhaaaa? MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

I was just going to listen to some Japanese tunes and the Brian Seltzer Orchestra version of "Hawai'i 5-0," but your plans are good too!

DUDE, nobody know wtf BSO even is!!! UR A DEAMON!!! I am going to go listen to that now!! Thing is. I have been trying to get to Three Tune Tuesday, since, Well Tuesday. I sat down this AM with full intentions of just tha and well, I havent even begun to waste that sort of time yet, BWAHAHAHAHAH. Ur iaght hommie!!

Thank you! Being normal hasn't worked too well for me, so 2022 is the year I bring out the eccentric within me. It can't hurt! If it hurts, passive income will make it feel better.

Most of my music taste is frozen in 1980s pop culture with some big band, a bit of metal, and some electronica in there. Whatever I pick up after the 1990s is purely incidental.