Participation blog for LPUD Number 2

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I've been a bit busy with Family and some vacations but I have not forgotten about the LPUD initiative or Leo Finance. Powered up the 200 LEO today. To support the Community.

Looks like there's much progress happening on the platform.


Keep up the hard work and keep pushing every day for progress. As the summer ends I suspect I can become more active here on the Blog. Until then I am relishing in the sunshine and intoxicating weather. Feels so good just to be alive and to breath.


my image

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Glad you could participate. If you win, you'll have to take some time away from vacationing to curate on Leo

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Indeed there is a lot in the pipeline for Leo Finance, this is just the beginning for the social side of the ecosystem, so hopefully you keep joining us month after month for LPUD!

By the way, I noticed that you powered up some Leo for LPUD a week ago, thanks for helping the Leo ecosystem grow! You're one step closer to becoming eligible to win that juicy HiveFest ticket.

The next step that will take you close to HiveFest, is to Bring your Fam to Leo, make sure to check it out!


We hope to see you in Amsterdam for HiveFest!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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