Victoria, Australia....Now criminalizing the victims of rapists and pedophiles

in FreeSpeech4 years ago (edited)

Have you heard of The Judicial Proceedings Reports Act?

It was introduced in February, in Victoria, Australia...and all very hush hush...
The Con-ora debacle helped, I'm sure. The compliant sheep were distracted.


This new 'law'?

To silence all sexual assault victims whose offenders have been found guilty.
This new 'law' bans the victims from ever speaking out using their real identities.

These ‘gag laws’ have been described as a “major victory” for convicted pedophiles and rapists.
Their victims are now prevented - legally - - from self-identifying in publications.
No media, No autobiographies.

The victims cannot use their OWN identity!

This 'law' is also not time relevant.
i.e. irrespective of when the crime occurred - weeks, months, or even years ago, the 'law' still stands..

This means that Victoria's rape and pedophile victims - can no longer lawfully tell of their experiences in the past and are now legally censored.


These individuals (the fucking victims!), will now potentially face jail time if they use their OWN names.

Breaking this the new 'law' could find you facing up to to four months jail - and fines in excess of $3000! - For speaking the truth!

Media outlets complicit in also telling the truth, could face potential prosecution and fines of over $8000.

The only way for a survivor to reclaim the right to self-identify in public is to take the matter to court.
You can obtain a court order, but this is an expensive process - and could cost each victim over $10,000!

This can be seen as double edged sword - if you have no moral compass and the ethics of a lefty. (i.e media intrusion into victims lives, regardless of their feelings).
With that being said - the victim of these crimes needs to be in control in regards to 'outing themselves'.

The offenders - and the media's voyeuristic addiction for sensationalism, needs to put back in it's box where they both belong.

What kind of society allows the victims -legally - to become the victims once agian?
Victims of the legal system.

I used to think sunglasses were worn in to protect the eyes from the sun, now I'm starting to realize it may be for different reason entirely.

People full of shame hate to be looked at, in the eyes.
It reminds them of who they are.

The LetUsSpeak campaign is launching in Victoria to call on the government to reform the gag law and a GoFundMe has also been launched to help support Victorian survivors cover court costs.



Pure insanity. While they have let their firearms be taken from them, Aussies still have pitchforks and torches.

They need to use them.

Pitchforks can be terribly hard to use when you have this mindset...


Every day I wake up wondering if word breaks of a massive purge where street justice strikes many of the less guarded targets and their associates with violence. Remember reading this as a kid, and the genius of the wasp was there was no way anyone else could compromise the actions of the wasp as they were totally independent, yet had the means to be self sufficient as they inserted themselves long enough to damage then back out. A great read.

Aus has more sheep than nz but they constantly mock us about sheep...fuckers

Ever felt that you are a bit close to the flames?

Ever felt that you are a bit close to the flames?


when the most fucked up country is your neighbor and you are surrounded by sheeple and there might be a toilet paper shortage...

its the toilet paper that seem to be your biggest concern...

Good thing protest and people people speaking up against this insanity is taking place across all platforms. While many are swept up by the lies many also see through it.

I honestly don't think that a lot of people are 'swept up by the lies' - I honestly think that they are too chicken shit to stand up and be counted.

Sad but true.(imo)

Yeah! that too. As you said 'Chicken Shit', Fear to speak or act out and would rather believe the narrative since its normal across a majority of platforms. Most follow the path of least resistance. I also live in Melbourne Victoria. i just said to someone else - I can't believe the Ozzies that I met in the mid 90's while travelling there, are of the same species of Oz .


Good luck, matey!

I was born in the earlier half of the 90's, way too young to have any recollection of how different of a time it was. Haha so I've been told. Different breed, Different backbone. Now made of 100% GELATINE. Bends in whichever direction the Wind blows lol.

It's kinda funny - because 'back then', I was still a child in adults body, and found lots of Aussies just too ...(fill in any 'lefty sounding' adjectives - I was such a wuss..)

....Little did I know, when thought I knew everything! lololol

Them aussies just don't love freedom enough,...