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RE: Not like a regular day.

From my experience so far, teaching is the best form of learning.

There is also something attached to it, you can never know the extent of what you know until you are asked to talk about it. You will be surprised at how well you know the concept.

How has been your day?


its' been lovely!!! its still early - 10 am for me here

I've been reading posts on the Pizza Baron story on Hive hahahaha a few people enter it each week - and now @samsmith1971 @wrestlingdesires and @an-man have gotten me intrigued!!! LOLOL

I have a lot of posts to read to catch up on though. hahahahaha

but - so far - it's captured my attention hahaha

it's a contest put on my @dibblers.dabs - so maybe this week I'll throw my post in there too for fun! hahahaha

and how was your Sunday!!

I hope you decide to throw one in! If not there is always next week! This weeks contest will close tomorrow afternoon/evening and then I'll open up the new week for more entries! There's a lot going on with the story and I hope you enjoy the reading! When we've reached some sort of conclusion I'll post the whole thing on chain in a single post for everyone to read it in one place with the winning entrants as beneficiaries!


ahhhhhh then that's perfect to know!!!

i'll take another week then

I've been reading them all day heheheh and i'm catching up! :)

but now this will give me more time to catch up and think of how to enter the next week! thank you! hehehehehe

My initial goal was to run it for at least 10 weeks and see how the story progressed. At this point it feels like it still has a good number of weeks ahead of it unless someone writes an amazing piece that does something drastic! lol


yeah hehehe from where i'm at - they still have far to go! hehehehe
so - let it run as long as people are feeling it

hehehehehe its picking up steam as it goes, it seems! so... hehehe that's always a good sign!

You are always writing for fun and that's how it should.

I don't write because I have to write but I write because there is something to say.

My Sunday was splendid but not complete because I missed the sublime Sunday Post.

I want to try out that community as well.

hehehehe its SUCH a great community!

i love writing there - not just because its fun - but because it supports @c0ff33a who is a great man! hehehehehe

I have some questions to asked self.

I just check now and noticed there is no rule about what should be posted and when it should be posted.

No pinned messages.

I hope it will not require taking pictures because my phone camera is really bad. 😔😔😔

Nope ...just what your sublime Sunday was like! :)

Okay, just like Wednesday walk.

pretty much! just look at the other posts under the tag and you'll see heheheh