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RE: Free fall

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

There has to be something much more than this, I know it, I feel it, however, I still can't find it.

And there is, I assure you, I have been shown it and it is wonderful. But life has to be lived, just as you say with those little details that life is precious, because it is... we only look at it wrong, only the focus is not right. When you feel lost, sleep. By sleeping we connect with the other side. It will give you answers, ask for them before you go to sleep.


If you only knew that I always say that sleep heals and cures us, although sometimes I think I go a bit too far with my sleeping 🙈

I also believe that in doing so we reach other dimensions, other worlds that are no less real than the world we see.

And you're absolutely right, it's just that many people talk about it, when we sleep we connect with the other self. Another dimension, we heal and more things. .... do you think you are the real one? There is an author who changed my life, jean Pierre Garnier Malet, author of the book The Double....

I leave you there the theme...

That sounds quite interesting, I love those topics. I'll make a note to check it out later.

Is it about the quantum double?

Yes, the quantum double... that book explains everything.

I have read some rather superficial information about the quantum double, but I think it is a good idea to go deeper into the subject in a complete book.

Thanks for the recommendation 😉

My pleasure, thanks to you!