Making Chocolate for Hivers

Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors - it's how you combine them that sets you apart.

Wolfgang Puck


Hello there, full-time weekenders!

Food is one of the most important things in life. It nourishes us. Makes us understand our senses. It is one of the first experiences of pleasure. And it's an expression of both Love and Art. Some of my fondest memories are related to food. I love it and thus learned to make a lot of the things I like to eat.

Having the chance to share some food with some people I care about would be an amazing experience. And this will be boring since I'm not going to cook for famous people or relevant historical figures. Around here you'll see maybe all Hivers or someone else that isn't in Hive.

I'd would just make the best cup of hot chocolate I can think of. One made out of bars and cocoa powder. And of course, Italian style. I believe thick hot chocolate is the best form of that beverage.

Among the people in the list, there will be no mention of family members since the cooking part in family was always weird. There wasn't a thing of bonding through cooking, which I believe would have been a great thing. Cooking was always a chore. An act of service made with love but despised to some extent as a form of slavery. I'd like to say I would make something for my recently deceased grandmother, but she only liked my cooking when she was not able to cook anymore. While she was still on her senses, she would tell me what my cooking was missing. And she dire with her opinions. I still love her though. Her cooking was the best. I learned to make chocolate from her. That's why I love that so much and also why it is my choice for this Chef what-if.

So, my first cup of chocolate would go to my dear, @maryed. Besides being my Hive-crush, she's an amazing cook in her own right. Her blog is full of recipes for healthy food and reviews of amazing food places in Caracas. This thing of the chocolate cup is long due since last year. I have to go visit her and make her a cup of it. However, this one is not going to be a healthy thing. It could be, but that's her take on food. I like mine with all their original ingredients. Fortunately, I'm on the low-sugar side of the spectrum, so I be she won't mind the cup is not on the healthy side.

Also, we would take the time drinking that chocolate to talk about the concepts of aesthetics. If you don't know it, she's the number 1 aesthetic photographer on Hive.

My second cup would go to one of the most engaging Hivers of the moment, @avdesing. She's always around in my notifications with comments. She likes pizza a lot and she's the first Hiver to offer me some mate. Yes, she's from Argentina, but resides in Spain. She's always posting about Málaga's sights and other places. Also, she's a painter and an amazing graphic designer. She wouldn't mind changing a cup of mate by one of chocolate. Especially, if that cup is accompanied by some talk about art.

My last cup of chocolate would go to the amazing @rlathulerie. We have that one pending for a really long time. The best part of the deal is that it would be a cup with some cake on the side. If you haven't checked it out, hers look amazing and we have some proof from other Hivers that they are as delicious as they look. She's one of the members of the supermoms in Hive. You know the ones, the amazing women who are doing a lot of still have some time to post and interact. I believe she's appreciate having a cup of hot chocolate to relax a bit in her busy days.

  • Photos 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 8)
  • Editing 🎬: by me, made with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

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Ay 🥺🥺 no, no estoy llorando...para nada.

Qué hermoso post, Andrés. Disfruté tanto leer cada oración, ¡fue como un cariño para el alma!

Obviamente me quedo con la taza de chocolate original 🤭. Un poco de azúcar no nos caerá mal. Tú preparas chocolate y yo preparo galletitas...esa es la dupla perfecta para una tarde de charla entre amigos💜✨

Ay, qué bella.

Tranquila que puedes llorar con confianza. 😘

Eso, vale. Unas galletas con un chocolate y unas fotos bien aesthetic con el Ávila de fondo. Todo en su lugar. 💜

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Andresito, this post is pure beauty from beginning to end. Every word is full of affection and your overwhelming sincerity ha, ha, ha, ha.
Definitely cooking is an act of love, from a sandwich to the most elaborate dish, it's how we take care of those we love.
It would be a pleasure to share that cup of chocolate with you, with a good piece of chocolate cake, because I don't know about you, but chocolate with more chocolate sounds good to me!
Hugs Andres ♥️

Oh, yeah. An overdose of chocolate. It would be lovely for sure.

I gotta go to the Island to get some cake and make you some chocolate.

That's right, an overdose of chocolate!
I've been thinking about that chocolate for a long time, so you have to try it soon!

Indeed. Hopefully, next year's budget will be better.

You killed me today! Of course I'll take that cup of chocolate, I love it, Italian style, thick and delicious! Talk about art and music. I'll bring the cake or the churros to go with it, what do you think?

I loved it! Thank you very much Andres!❤️

Bring all you want to make that cup be the best in the world. ♥️

Homemade cake he? All homemade hahaha
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I was ready to treat you to some of my freshly baked bread, but I'm not on the list, so...

You don't even like chocolate. What are you talking about?

That's the only way I like chocolate

What a coincidence! 😂

Nope, I've said that a bunch of times 🤣

I can't remember that.

How convenient...

Es increíble como una buena comida puede cambiar los ánimos y eso se ha visto en las guerras, soldados luchando durante días y una comida caliente y de calidad logra aumentar sus ánimos para continuar.
He podido empezar a seguirte en instagram, muy buenos procesos de trabajo amigo

La comida es lo mejor del mundo. No creo que haya gente que no sea feliz por la comida.

Gracias, amigo. Es trabajo duro, pero honesto.