 2 years ago  

You don't like landscapes?

I love them. The issue is that I barely out of the house to stare at landscapes. But I might be able to get some photos tomorrow. We have a great coastal view.

 2 years ago  

Coastal views work and it might do you good to get out of the house a bit?

I know. But I usually just go out to do something. It's just that going through the watching landscapes doesn't happen too often.

 2 years ago  

I'm the opposite, I'd rather go out and be with nature than honour and do anything else.

Such are the circumstances of life. I think it's great you can spend a lot of time outdoors. Australia is such a beautiful place.

 2 years ago  

It sure is, and generally quite safe which is important although, I wouldn't mind some criminal-type to have a go at me whilst I'm out hiking I guess, it'd give me an opportunity to beat some sense into him.