
It's cool to catch up buddy. I'd like to have a report on how the evening went down.

Ha, ha, ha. You and me both. That's not going to happen anytime soon.

Hehe. Let's move since you won't rescind. Which food can you single-handedly prepare?

Me? Ha, ha, ha.

I can prepare basically everything that's not a specialty. The wonderful thing about using YouTube wisely.

Ahahaha.🤣🤣😅 YouTube kitchen. That's what women of the 21st century do in kitchen.

Well, YouTube is a great way to learn a lot. I used to binge watch a lot of cooking videos and now I can cook better than my mom.

Jeez, your mom shouldn't hear that. You must have learned a lot then. I hope you'd be able to do a video on your cooking prowess on 3speak someday. It will be explosive you know.