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RE: A Watermelon Weekend

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Looking good! Watermelon is a funny thing for me. I enjoy it, but I don't really ever crave it. So like if someone put a bowl in front of me, I would gladly eat it, but I would never voluntarily buy one at the store. Likewise if I were at a family potluck or something and there was a bowl of watermelon on the buffet, I wouldn't put some on my plate. I would likely just skip it. Does that make sense? I am still hoping to coax a little something out of my garden this year. We will see what happens. Now that we finally got some rain the mosquitos have been horrible and I can't spend too much time tending to it like I want to.


Oh the mosquitoes and other flies are horrible now that we got killed with that tropical storm rain. There's still hope for your garden. Something has to produce! lol.

I hear ya on the watermelon front. I like to watch them grow and I'll eat it from time to time. I can't remember the last time I bought a melon at the store, so I know what you mean. For me I think its a texture thing, rather than a taste thing. I am not super fond of the texture. I would rather eat cantaloupe.. a little denser.

I can't stand most of the other melons. Watermelon is the one exception. I think for me it just seems like a lot of work for eating mostly water. Plus, you just never know if you are going to get a good one or a meh one.