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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 44: See || Hear || Feel - Win HIVE

I think we could all do well to do small experiments like these with ourselves. It's hypothetical for sure but it also prepares us for things that could happen to us. I've kind of made it a point to try out different things even though I don't need to such as brushing my teeth with the opposite hand. Have you tried it? It's not as easy as you think! It was a good exercise though because now I feel like I'm better with my left hand than of I didn't try that at all.

Good reasoning here! The thought of not hearing or seeing the little ones in our lives is really difficult to try to think. I like your compromise though, to learn sign language. You can still communicate with them!


Hi Cmplxty

Sorry for the late reply, my mom in law is visiting. Oh yes, I actually did try brushing my teeth with the other hand, it felt really weird and kinda alien, but apparently it activates different parts of your brain.

The experiment didn't go as well as planned, but I think it's actually something that will be a good practice to heighten your other senses every now and again. I discovered (while trying to sleep and being disturbed by mosquitoes), that as soon as you switch off the light, my hearing picks up immediately, switch the light on and your visuals take over, it is absolutely insane how lightning fast these changes take place.

Have a good week :)