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RE: Weekend experiences - From shine to despair

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 6 months ago

Fruska gora is a national park, ideal for rest and recreation.

And sarma? Sarma is the best πŸ˜„
For the first time, I tried it with sour cream at the suggestion of a colleague. Even better taste...

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I haven't tried this yet, thanks for the advice πŸ‘ Next time I make it, the sour cream will go with it. I find it tastes best by baking it in the oven instead of cooking it in a pot,...

Besides the sour cream I discovered this weekend, I always eat horseradish with sarma.

When you mention the preparation of sarma... I remember one winter, probably before the year 2000, when we made a full pot of sarma with smoked dried meat... We were in the cottage around New Year's Eve... We cooked sarma for two days on a wood stove (on Smederevac), with the occasional addition of water, how it is cooked.
I still feel the taste of that sarma on my palate today.

Now I'm getting hungry πŸ™ƒ, I can smell this pot of delicious sarma and smoked meat πŸ˜€

Β 6 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Me too πŸ˜„