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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 59: The invite

Well, the truth is that I am a person who greatly admires the overcoming and how people of limited resources have risen from below and have managed to move forward, for that reason I would invite John Davison Rockefeller.

He is the richest man in history (Well, every day a millionare born so I don't know if this stat has changed), I have read many biographies of him and the most fascinating thing about his story is everything he achieved by founding a company as preponderant in history as Chevron, what surprises me is that at the beginning his business to do so was coffee which was something I was dedicated to for a few years along with a partner, a business that I fell in love with (and that I do not know if it has already been done but it would be a good topic for another Weekend-Engagement, coffe hehe). I would like to ask him all kinds of things, how he did it, how was his mentality at all times, in short. I admire him a lot even though I didn't have the joy of seeing him in life but just hearing about his legacy was enough to capture my admiration.


We can learn so much from people who have come before us, had experiences we have not and who have had success and failure in equal measure. It's the failures that we tend to learn the most from in fact. So, I think this is a very good choice to have dinner with as I think you'll learn a lot.

Understanding what he did, how he felt and motivated himself and how he overcame adversity would be valuable information and, whilst you've read it, hearing it first hand would be more valuable indeed I think.

Great choice!

That's right Galen, I think more than his achievements I would love to hear about his failures and how he overcame them. The dinners are to share moments that bring us, for me, it would be like reading a good book in one night hahaha.

There is no man on Earth without a story of failure. So I am sure you are going to learn from his failures and also learn from how he attained greatness.

This avenue is the best one to make him pour out how he attained greatness. It's a good choice she has made

I see you have your eyes on great things. Rockefeller to a dinner is gonna be a lovely moment.

Definitely man! It would be a fantastic time of just learning. Thank you so much btw I think we all dream big in our way but I do like to always go for more and not settle, that's my motto everywhere I go.

That's a good way to reason, a good motto for life goals. To keep winning you need to aim high.

I'm sure you're going to learn a lot from him because this is the best time to get any idea or to learn from such person.

It is good for someone to be great and also good for someone that is not great to admire greatness because we all needs to be great one day. Inviting him for dinner I am sure will make you feel better because as you have rightly said that you will invite him to ask him how he is made hands wealth is the best. You have good mind of attending greatness.