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RE: G-dog's weekendy handyman tasks

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I don't allow many to see the true me...I reserve that for close friends. Certain people see certain things; I'm many different things I guess and I act appropriately for each situation you know? At the gun range I'm one version, work I'm another, with someone I just met socially I'm this and with those I've known for a long time I'm that. I guess most people do that.


Yea, most people do. I can say it more like a default setting to most because they have no clue or idea of how they switch sides as much as this. It just happens and it happens well. But do you know there are lots of people that will brand you as a pompous human being because of this lifestyle - speaking from experience because this is the reactions I have received from most individuals.

Although there are times when mood swing makes me fall out of order - but it happens very rarely. A friend of mine had even talked with me concerning matter as such saying that people who tend to have sides like that of coin in multiples are always partial. And I began ask myself, when the fuck does partiality gets involved.

People are always going judge others, find fault where they can, real or perceived.

Be your own man I say, the best version of yourself, so that you're satisfied with who you are. Then it won't matter what others say or perceive. 🙂

Just the same advice I have been brushing myself up with for situations like this. Well, Uncle G-Dog.

Talking about shooting 😎. I am patiently waiting for that post and plssss you can take a shot of yourself holding the gun. Lol. I know you don't like taking much pictures of yourself though hahaha

Talking about shooting 😎. I am patiently waiting for that post

What post do you mean? I've done loads of shooting posts.

I'm going to shoot on Saturday, at the range. I didn't get to shoot much last weekend as I was instructing a new shooter, so this weekend it's all about me and sending a pile of rounds downrange.

I was talking about that.

Oh sorry. Yeah, unlikely I'll take photos of myself...Hard to do when I'm shooting. I've posted videos before though. If you go to The Pew Community you'll find some, did some only recently actually. A few weeks ago.

Owk. I understand it hard to take a shot of such while shooting. I'll check it out for the vid though