
Yes and no, they generally hide deep in the woods away from people or are extremely visible on the road but it sort of is common enough to meet them in unexpected places from time to time since we share the trails and walk thru fields. The less popular trails at a certain time of day has more chances of encounters. There is always a chance for bison, bear, moose, deer, elk encounters just about anywhere since the park is really just a big section of forest fenced off and we all kinda mingle. Where they know there is a lot of people like the common areas they generally stay away. I have probably encountered them on trails a minimum of 5 or 6 times but they were a bit further away. I once walked parallel to the herd for like half an hour but they were far enough away not to be concerned with my presence and vice versa.


Your photos are so good. It would be weird for a Aussie lad from the country seeing snow covered plains with bison grazing...You'd have to show me around...Although, you probably run faster than me so I'd be the decoy guy for you...Hmm, maybe I better have a snow mobile.

Haha, not allowed snowmobiles there! Just your feet and how fast they go! We would both be targets because they seldom hangout on their own, I'm more worried about a stampede because when they run, they run. That last picture I posted I was in waist deep snow tracking them, nobody is running but the bison in that scenario. I would def show you around if you come for a trip one day. I can probably find you some bison closer to the roads inside a vehicle where it's less dangerous just as we could go and not see any but it is fun to track them too. Depends, there is no way to tell until you get there. here is a video, not mine but a stampede somewhere in the US.

Looks like a bunch of shoppers at the sales on Boxing Day!

Seriously though, I'm an Australian, we're used to dangerous shit and whilst we don't have bison we have other things so...Yeah, I'll not bring my snow mobile, (haven't got one anyway) but I'll limber up, throw on my running shorts and shoes that I wore when running the 100m in the 1974 Olympics and I'll be good to go!

Maybe, just to be sure, we should bring someone way slower than us...You know, the sacrificial lamb, so to speak.

Just practice EMA, maybe we can confuse them and get em thinking like what are those crazy mofo's doing, time to study the stinky humans! Shoppers at a boxing day sale, that's probably accurate, I stay away from that sort of stampede! I know everything in Australia wants to kill you. I saw pics of some of the huge spiders...ewwwy! I used to watch Steve Irwin, surprised that he got taken out by a stingray out of all things. Maybe we can bring that dude that got gored, he has, he tends to fall trying to get away.

Now you're talking! The gored-guy! We'll invite him along as if we're off for a picnic and he'll be like, as long as there's no bison. We'll be like, bison? Nah, none of these for miles!. Little will he know...🤣

Steve Irwin was a crazy fucker, but yep he went too early. Left a decent legacy though. His daughter got married this year and the family run a decent zoo facility.

I don't go to sales either...Not liking people has its perks. I like you though. 😉

He was a crazy fucker but I used to love his show. Wow, it's been that long already that she is married eh She was just a little kid when he died. I was a ware of the family zoo but I never followed like I did Steve's show.

I hear you on the not liking most people part! Awwe, I feel all special now!