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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

You know, when I first started in hive back in June 2017 I didn't know what I was doing so before I knew it had created my username. I had initially wanted to use something like @knighttemplar but it was too late, it was created as you see it and I was annoyed. Now, I'm glad I used a name as it is more personal and relatable I think.

I find it so funny that people are so secretive here but I'm Facebook will use their own name and tell the world everything. One of my own family members does this and I'm so glad I'm not there to see it!. So embarrassing.

Your handle suits you krazzy man, just own it and be done with it. 😊


Thanks Man. I own it, and the twinge of embarrassment it brings at times.

Knight Templar... I like that.

Week 12b The Knights Templar.jpg

I was Sammi Jo Briggs on FB. I never used my real name or info on any social media. I am still on MeWe as Sammi Jo. I have deleted all others. Video sites are KT.

I have been working on @pooky-jax about that FakeBook thing. I know She would have dumped it by now if not for her family members on there that are clueless to it.

And a report just came out last week. 94% of the global child sex traffic can be traced back to FB posts... SMFH

That picture...That's how I envisage myself dressed for work each day. It's like, see you honey, I'm of to slay.

Yeah FB...Bloody terrible thing. I don't have it and the brother below me does not either. I think tarazkp does but doesn't use it and the youngest, my sister, has it. My older brother though...Everything is on there. It's pathetic. I don't care that I miss out on things...I mean what am I truly missing out on? Anything worthwhile? Methinks not.

So. I am still on FB. First and Last name. I have a serious good looking blonde on my arm.

I go on less than once per month. There are about 6 people that I'd just lose if I didn't (including that blonde :)) (It was her wedding day, I walked her down the aisle)