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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 24: Passions [Get paid for yours]

in Weekend Experiences • 4 years ago

I see there's no windows, I was being tongue-in-cheek. Good to have an unobstructed view for the sheilas though huh? 😆

I'm not sure about the effects oil-burning has on the planet but this is going to be earth someday. I think I'll be gone when this happens but hopefully I get a good from from whatever plane of existence I happen to be in.


Yeah, I have come to know you as a tongue in cheek kinda guy and I am very similar :)
Did you put a picture in here?

 4 years ago  

A .gif actually...A planet exploding. You can't see it? It shows up at my end. Oh well, you're not missing anything really.

Wow, yes, this one I can see and it's amazing.
Very fitting to our discussion my friend.
At least everything will end in a flash, almost instantaneously!