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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 24: Passions [Get paid for yours]

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I really wish I got into video games because there's so many good ones these days! It's just not my thing, although I have a few mates who love it...They're always talking about it and I try to join in...which only lasts about 20 seconds and then I sit back and listen to them babble on about stuff I know nothing about.

I'm with you on the Lego/making things for sure...I like doing things with my hands, putting stuff together and sitting back satisfied with the end result. I find it very satisfying.

You're quite a technical guy, I mean live the details of things I think, hence the Geocaching thing and the others you mention...It's good to be analytical and you're also clearly creative...A nice balance.

Thanks for coming over this week, I really appreciate it.



And I am not as good as I once thought I was at video games. Getting older will do that to a person apparently. :)

"As good as I once thought I was!" Lol...Yeah, none of us are though I guess.

Damn this getting older thing. But I suppose it could be worse so I'll take it.