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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 54: Think your drink

in Weekend Experiences • 3 years ago

when I don't drink coffee I get a headache

Coffee withdrawals huh? That's the sign of a true coffee lover! 😀

I can't imagine life without coffee although I drink just as much tea and water is the drink I most consume. I like my coffee though and as you say, it cheers me up.

Thanks for joining in this week, your first time I think.



Yes, I am a total coffee lover, water of course is the drink that we should consume in greater quantity, water is vitality. But I don't know what it's like to live without coffee either.
I'm just starting on Hive and it's my first time here.

 3 years ago  

I had a look at your post-feed and realised you're pretty new to hive. Getting involved with a few concepts is a good way to meet people and it's relationships with other users that will help you drive your account forward. 😀

Yes, I am still getting to know all that hive offers and learning every day, I hope to make good friends and improve my content every day to strengthen my account. So far I really like how things work here. Thank you very much for the advice.

I have trouble drinking warm drinks during the warm months of the year. So ice coffee and tea for me please...


It's 92f (33C) right now as the sun is newly up. I'm trying to decide if I need to make another pot of coffee or if it's time to switch to ice tea...

Let the record show that coffee won. I'm just about to get my first cold tea of the day. It's 1000 and 98f (38 C).

Ya'll Coff-a-holics are nutzz..!

I am thinkin' above 65° is a no go on the hot choco/coff/tea for me...

You juss' crazy...


 3 years ago  

I had an iced coffee today bro, and it's winter! 😄