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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 24: Passions [Get paid for yours]

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

You don't need to be a fan boy, you're the thing fan boys fan-boy about right? Lol. I don't even know if that makes sense...I just had some chocolate pudding and am on a bit of a sugar high right now. 🤣

These are three reasonable passions and I'm glad you mention them. Passions don't have to be major things at all, one can be passionate about literally anything. It's a state of being really; An attitude.

I was going to say family but figured I'd let someone else say it. It's a pretty common one and I'd say it's on most people's list. I was hoping you'd say you're passionate about painting upstairs and then I would have been able call bullshit! 😉

Thanks for joining in this week.



I sometimes wonder how I would feel if Hive did go mainstream and I ended up some type of Hive personality. I don't have any desire to be very public, but I guess it could happen.

Well, I'd say that would be a good problem to have. You can have the notoriety, I'll take the hive price moving upward, thats enough for me. 😁

I might write a post on it - The notorious TKP

Lol, sounds like a winner...Don't end up like Notorious BIG though.

We're winners
We're winners
We're winners


Everyone is a winner, unless they're not.

You remember that dude who said this? Lol...I wonder whatever happened to him. Tony was his name.

I can't imagine he made it to now... he was a big boy.

You could form a duo: The notorious TKP and BOR. That might work...

I think it would be, BORE, my alter ego.

Ah jeeze. What is Bane of Resources going to do?

I don't think any non professional painter can be passionate about painting the inside of a house, unless they are young and find they have become passionate about it and have an epiphany, and find a new job.

I've painted my share of houses, in and out, and I can vouch for this comment. I'm good at painting but god do I hate it! Lol.

Amen brothers. I'm a good painter and learned from an extraordinary pro painter but never caught that need either.