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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 24: Passions [Get paid for yours]

  1. Well, I think that the first has to be writing on Hive, as I don't seem to be able to stop doing it.

  2. Family - family comes first - but second on the list :D It hasn't been a huge focus in early life, but since the birth of Smallsteps, it has given me a new perspective

  3. In regard to both the first and the second, I have also become quite passionate about community, on Hive and in general. I spend quite a lot of time interacting and developing community relationships. I think that my real and digital worlds feed each other.

Pretty boring I know, but I don't spend much time in entertainment or as a fan boy of anything. I don't even consider these passions, but they are about as close as it gets for me :)


I have family as a passion aswell, kinda is the truth with the proof of four kids hahahah. And i cant stop hiving either so thats the second one aswell, the third is fashion and design, the world needs colorful design and lovely clothes.
Oh and i have to say going to the beautysalon for hair, nails and pedicures , i made that into a passion , gotta love life in general otherwise its gonna be a long grey journey

I know enough of you to know that grey is probably not in your travel plans.

Black and Tan, (what I'd call mahogany and black) maybe :)

Balancing your family time and hive combined with communities is really a great deal, its only your passion for it that can make it possible.

Just as a saying goes here, 'looking good is a good business' so that as a passion is well accepted

the third is fashion and design, the world needs colorful design and lovely clothes.

Once upon a time as a teen - I won an amateur fashion show with four evening dresses :)

I like creativenessa dn think more people should get into design and production of something. Doesn't even matter what. Nail art included :)

You did! That’s so cool , I am in a sewing class and we do evening wear aswell. And I love using the design draw apps to try to make a start and go on further with fabrics. The process isnt fast but real fun. I was a fittingmodel
For a long time and I got to wear all kinds of stuff that’s where the passion started. And I think it’s cool that you did designing aswell. And still nowadays most headdesignera from the big labels are men! Thanks for sharing that I loved it , have a great Sunday

I made one of the dresses myself, the 3 others my mum helped with as I was very slow on the machine.

I have a theory that men are better designers for women due to the interest that they pay to women - even the gay ones. I also think that women design some great me's (especially formal) wear for the same reason.

Amen so true, and I see on my mums machine I ingereted that beauty and I have a lock machine. I love all men designers and VICTORIA BECKHAM yes I confess I am a huge fan ! She has such an amazing line .

Now that's a lively passion, the salon. Something to look forward to. Apply one week; take off the next; switch colors, designs. I used to do that long time ago. Lines were too long, and the conversation...well, not to my taste.

Hahahah true but I just close my eyes when I do do pedicures and I dont conversate hahah

I think you've hit a nail on the head there. Community, family and friends. If more were passionate about these things we'd all be living in a better place bro. I was sat here thinking about all the things I love and am into but the idea of friendship came into my head as something I feel very strongly about. This is probably why the friends I've made over the years are pretty solid and always there to help in the bad times. To have known them as long as I have and to still feel that is powerful for me.

On other levels in my life travel, history and good food and booze are up on my list but I wouldn't put them in the same league let alone list as friendship.

I'm gonna have to have a think about how I would answer properly this weekend engagement

I think a lot of people underestimate the relationships they have around them - some have been reminded this year how important they are. It is good to have fun - but it is better with people you care about and care about you.

100% agree. Right now we are on the verge of turning our lives upside down and already I've been reminded of how amazing and how valuable some people are in my life. In the coming months when we set wheels in motion I already know who will be there to go out of their way to help us. I smiled to myself yesterday as its the usual suspects I've known for over 20 years all there ready and willing and waiting for the nod. I have a feeling both myself and the missus have also realised we have a new friend and ally also which is a really cool feeling and they've offered to help also. Early next year is going to be very interesting to say the least

I don't think of your passions as boring. Someone has to write, someone has to have family to keep life going,and with out people developing community and community minded people, people like me would be the bored ones.

I don't think most passion are about being a fan boy, I think they are the things that make a persons life, and love of life tick.

I don't think most passion are about being a fan boy, I think they are the things that make a persons life, and love of life tick.

I think that a lot of people are passionate about being outraged these days. They don't care what they are outraged over - just addicted to the drama and peaks of it.

I was a drama fan, still am to an extent. I love the he said she said angry rant at each other, some of them are very passionate, no doubt about it. I also feel very sorry for those in the passionate throes of outrage and rants, they are missing out on so much of life's really good things to be passionate about

I don't mind a bit of drama, but I find that people get caught up in the cycle of it, like an addiction, because it gets them attention. In some way, it is like the girl at school who thinks the only way to get guys to like her is to sleep with them.

It always worked for me. Liking the girls I slept with.

Both of them :)

Thats some of it I am sure, also some people just like to be mean and push peoples buttons and that is easy to do via out of context type, or out of context video clips.

Yeah. People take the most uncharitable view of something ni order to create drama and the sad thing is - it does.

I agree, it's not about being a fan, it's more a deeper layer of life which I think is amazing to have and one of the big benefits of being human. I would be lost without my passion...I use it to help me work harder and more effectively at things, to find greater enjoyment in actions, events and general life and to apply to those things I call hobbies.

Yes, passions to keep you alive and enjoying life. Not passion that might get you dead and not enjoying anymore.

Passions that make a person dead aren't so good.

I know. But there's a thing like too much passion and some people like to burn the candle on both sides.

Ah yes, candle-burning at both ends. I'm a pretty strategic and measured sort of person so both-end-burning never really seems like a smart thing to do...It rarely ends well.

It doesn't. It's like building a glass castle over sand.

There is an conservation from a genius! Passions that make you dead tend to slow your ability to find more :)

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yes, from what I know of it, being dead inhibits many aspects of life.

Death can be such a spoil sport that way.

Fan passion can be a real thing, it can carry and make a persons life. I have known a lot of DeadHeads in my time, they were all very passionate about the Grateful Dead and Jerry Garcia, they live and breathed their life through the music and the concerts. Many of them became friends, lovers, and families were born.

I was fortunate enough to attend a few of the Bands Concerts, they were a lot of fun, I myself never became fan to the extent that others did, but it was kind of cool to see people that knew each other only through the concert circuit, to see families with kids of all ages enjoying life.

There is fan passions, but I have never been a passionate fan.

 3 years ago (edited) 

I agree with you and, like you, haven't found someone interesting or engaging enough to say I'm passionate about them, other than my wife of course...Thirty three years and still passionate...I'm proud of that fact.

I am glad that there are so many passions out there, life would be pretty dang boring if we all had the same likes, dislikes and most of all life would be almost unbearable if we all had the same level of passion for the same thing. I am glad for the passionate fan boy, at least they bring things I may not see into the light of day. It is just unlikely I will be one, although I am close to being one I do like W.M. Gears sci-fi works and books.

One never knows, something might come along and draw you in.

The Dead Heads always amazed me. I went to a few concerts with a couple of them. I never caught that particular passion except like you, appreciating it in others. The birthday party in Eugene Oregon every year was something special.

A friend I met introduced me to their outdoor concerts, which were more like a giant family reunion than any thing else. They were fun things to go to, I think I made it to 3 in that year.

I think I went to Eugene 3 years in a row. That was such a fun show. Like you said it was a giant family reunion.

I really liked the Dead for one reason. They encouraged recorders and later video recorders at their concerts. I think you can find a couple of videos of every concert the Dead ever did.

They knew that the bootlegs actually promoted buying albums rather than destroying it.

I think they are perfect. I'm not sure why you might want to consider not writing on Hive (optimizing negatives in a single sentence is one of my unlisted passions).

Your family and the care and concern of them is part of your attraction. It's unflinching and normally noted at some point. Besides having the cutest kid on the innerwebs.

I think you are on to something. Obviously. I think the slow and steady approach to strong communities is going to serve us really well in the not too distant future. It's necessary work and I for one am very glad that you are doing what you do to improve the whole place.

(optimizing negatives in a single sentence is one of my unlisted passions)

It is an NLP technique that can force a person to review and think harder about what is being said.

I am lucky that Smallsteps took after her mother in the cuteness department, as if she took after me... :D

I have found that the people who do actually start to engage here, begin to shift their position on the importance of community in general. I wonder what that means in real life, considering that most of the internet has actually encouraged disconnecting from IRL communities and picking them based on a narrow identity focal point instead. A general community will fail if people only focus on narrow points.

I seriously agree with the formation or finding communities. Another way that Hive is unique and horribly undervalued :)

In recent decades, the incentive has been to be an individual - perhaps Hive will flip it the other way.

I agree with you on writing on hive, it can be addicting most times. Especially when we have lots of things to write about.

Family is always a priority in our lives and can also be an inspiration to work towards our goals.
Your passion are not boring as you imagine, its fun, as long as you consider it to be fun

You don't need to be a fan boy, you're the thing fan boys fan-boy about right? Lol. I don't even know if that makes sense...I just had some chocolate pudding and am on a bit of a sugar high right now. 🤣

These are three reasonable passions and I'm glad you mention them. Passions don't have to be major things at all, one can be passionate about literally anything. It's a state of being really; An attitude.

I was going to say family but figured I'd let someone else say it. It's a pretty common one and I'd say it's on most people's list. I was hoping you'd say you're passionate about painting upstairs and then I would have been able call bullshit! 😉

Thanks for joining in this week.


I sometimes wonder how I would feel if Hive did go mainstream and I ended up some type of Hive personality. I don't have any desire to be very public, but I guess it could happen.

Well, I'd say that would be a good problem to have. You can have the notoriety, I'll take the hive price moving upward, thats enough for me. 😁

I might write a post on it - The notorious TKP

Lol, sounds like a winner...Don't end up like Notorious BIG though.

We're winners
We're winners
We're winners


Everyone is a winner, unless they're not.

You remember that dude who said this? Lol...I wonder whatever happened to him. Tony was his name.

You could form a duo: The notorious TKP and BOR. That might work...

I think it would be, BORE, my alter ego.

Ah jeeze. What is Bane of Resources going to do?

I don't think any non professional painter can be passionate about painting the inside of a house, unless they are young and find they have become passionate about it and have an epiphany, and find a new job.

I've painted my share of houses, in and out, and I can vouch for this comment. I'm good at painting but god do I hate it! Lol.

Amen brothers. I'm a good painter and learned from an extraordinary pro painter but never caught that need either.

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Your writing was some of the first content I came across when I was getting started that made me want to stop and have a conversation. I don't drop by nearly as often as I used to, I blame your brother and the people I met through your posts for distracting me :)

If you enjoy it, is it really boring?

His brother is a bad influence on everyone.

Scourge of the blockchain. Lol.

His street name is "the bane of resources". Lol.

He has a street name? That's pretty cool. I don't have one although I get called a lot of things by various people, some of them not so good! 😂

Bane of resources...Good street name.

I don't know. Just wanted to say something cool and it came out.

I get. People call me names too. I wish some of them were cool, tho. Ha, ha, ha.

Lol...I figured that was the case...Bane of resources is pretty bad ass though...People are like, what the fuck? Bane of resources...Sounds deadly.

I've got a few friends that probably don't even remember my name...They're like, what's up fucker, in greeting...I respond in kind. 😂

Ha, ha, ha. It's been a while since I had any kind of friend call me something like that. There are no cool names in my oyster. 🤣

Ha, I give one of my best friends shit, tell him that his name is actually 'Goddamnit" because he gets called that more than anything else. Probably doesn't help that we both have the same first name so nicknames and epithets are just about all that ever get used.

Sam and I walk basically the same route to and from the desert every day. There are probably 50 people on that route that know Sam's name and greet him whenever they see him.

There might be 5 of those people that know my name. That Sam is such a suck up.

Ahahahahaha. Can we shorten it to BOR or something clever like that?

You could wear those initials behind your name like ME or PHD or something...

It's an odd street name right? But it's peculiar nature adds a certain cool-factor. I think it's a good one, inventive, interesting and unique.

Bane, not of ones existence, but of resources! Genius at work here.

I can see it on a business card


What do you think?

So I have been told! Lol, there's a lot worse things to be!

Yeah! I'm also developing a passion for Hive as it makes me think creatively so I can impress my readers, it makes me full of crazy ideas. 😂😅🤣
Also about the smallsteps, they will open your eyes to see beyond imaginations course you will feel fulfilled to do more to please them which will pave a way for another passion.😁

@smallsteps is his daughter, my niece. She's the best niece ever. :)

Wow! Smallsteps? What a nice name she has, l'm sorry I really didn't know that was her name. I thought @tarazkp meant children.🤪
@galenkp, she is very lucky to have you as her uncle.😁

Lol...I figured. All good. She's a cute little thing.. I'm a very proud uncle.

😂 😅, yeah! You can say that again.

@smallsteps might be the cutest niece ever, but my niece Miranda is way up there in the 'best' category. She's the one I first met through DNA findings, and she 'took me' to the rest of the family.

Pretty best in my opinion.

You're biased, as you should be.

Remind me, was it your choice to get the DNA thing done or was it a bit of an accident? I'm sorry, I can't recall.

The family is the most beautiful passion a human being can have, this is the core of society

this is the core of society

I agree and it is going to be interesting in the next few decades as so many have chosen not to have family. I wonder if it changes the power dynamics in the world.

Anyone who is passionate about their family is OK with me. As far as being passionate about Hive, I love it and also Communities for excellent engagement. As always, there has to be a balance so you won't become burnt out.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Well, as these are your passions you have the right to call them boring if you want. But this tells a lot about you. A family man at its finest. Keeping up with the time to interact with his real family and his virtual family around Hive and other media. This a solid start for my journey through the comment section.

Same as mine. Family comes first & always the most important in life. Your passion is great. As long as you love, enjoy & live with it 😍

Since I am boring in so many other ways, I guess my passions can be boring too :D

Lol, why would you say you are boring?

Well, I am very busy - so perhaps it is that I don't have time to be fun ;D

OK, I understand now, its just time factor not like you don't like fun

I like fun, though I am not sure what is actually fun these days. I used to game a lot a long time ago thinking it was fun, until I recognized that I wasn't actually enjoying it all that much, but the gamification of it kept me thinking I was.

I consider fun to be anything that gives me joy when I'm at it, at least you were happy when you were playing games, that was fun. We just have to find happiness in what we do

At least you have time for writing on Hive & family. 🙂

Yep! I make this "me time" :)

Like Ken? The motorcycle riding nephew?

Did I get the name right?

Yes @bigtom13 🤣 guess your passion is also about your fancy motorcycle🤣