Weekend-engagement highlights: Week 166

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago (edited)

A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.

- William Shenstone -

you know you suck.jpg

It's looking like an exciting week ahead for me, challenging also, but usually great reward comes through great effort...and owning one's actions right? I hope y'all own your week, show the responsibility to live it well and the discipline to move it to outstanding outcomes.

Once more, I'm here to wrap up the #weekend-engagement writing concept featured in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community. Topics are released each Friday and content creators have all weekend to post in response to those I set.

The #weekend-engagement concept is designed to help users with writing topics to challenge their thinking and creativity and to promote great quality posting over the weekend. I also urge participants to engage with others as it's a great way to build relationships which is important to ongoing success and enjoyment on the blockchain...and it's more fun too.

This week I'm transferring Ecency points - well done to those people as below - a great effort by you, and by everyone who chose to enter and follow the concept guidelines.

- 𝟙𝟝𝟘 𝔼𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕪 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙 -

Content by @steemychicken1

Content by @helloisalbani

Content by @owasco


The Ecency points given away today have been kindly donated by @dlmmqb, @armasdiaze, @krazzytrukker, @steemflow @mineopoly, @zakludick, and the rest by @galenkp.

- ℍ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤 -

Content by @justbabybee

Content by @newnow497

Content by @jenthoughts

Content by @marivic10

Content by @jcchelme

Content by @mili2801

Content by @tegoshei

Content by @alfinger

Content by @riz611

Content by @irvinc

Content by @ozd


You can post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community any day of the week but ensure your content is strongly weekend-related. This means your content should be about Saturday and Sunday and be experience-focused using photographs you took yourself.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

The image is my own - My sister in-law performing a Japanese tea ceremony.


Thank you for mentioning me as one of the highlighted posts, and a special thank you for the inspiration you bring from your various challenges, Mr @galenkp.
Have a great day.

You're welcome, enjoy a good week ahead.

Thanks @galenkp , see you next weekend. Very cool dynamics.

You're welcome. Have a good week.

How can I get the communities from you?

I'm not sure what you mean.

We would like to know your opinion about freedom.

Unfortunately, my ideas on freedom would take up more room than I have on a comment, and probably a post. For me, it's a complicated topic, one that is multi-faceted, so to encapsulate it in a comment of post, for me, is not possible.

Damn, I'm back in the highlight section. Feels good to be back. 😏

Cheers to everyone who's posted this week and has also managed to secure a spot on the list. 🔥🍻


You deserved it mate, I liked your post. Have a great week ahead, will see you around huh?

You deserved it mate, I liked your post

Thanks man, this was an honest write up. It felt quite natural because it came straight from the heart and my current circumstances. So, I guess it clicked, just one of those posts you know.

Have a great week ahead, will see you around huh?

Same to you, cheers. 🍻

I'll be fairly active on Hive this week, because my site work is currently off. That is why I'll be spending a bit more time on Hive. So, we'll surely be chatting some more, maybe share some thoughts and opinions.

Thank you so much my dear friend. Happy week.

You're welcome.

It has been a weekend of very good publications, I have read several of them and really good ones, many experiences and points of view. That enriches us all.

Have a great start of the week Galen, I'm already looking forward to the next topics. I love them!


I hope you have a great week also. Mine has started off a little challenging, but that's not unusual and I know how to make things right.

Whatever the challenge, you're going to solve it very well, you're ready for it.

We will not be defeated!

As long as you are in good health, you will overcome everything else. Keep going!

Challenges happen in life, that's just how it is and I've had many, which is why I'm generally capable of dealing with them. Mostly.

You're very capable, you're prepared!

Why thank you! I have no idea what to do with ecency points though. I just tried perusing the ecency account for info. It seems I need an account, and that someone already with an account must help me?

You're welcome.

You have an account, just log in with the same details you use to log into Hive/Peakd. Keychain is what I use. It's just another frontend.

You can boost posts with those points. 150 = $1 as a vote from Ecency. I would never boost my own posts so I give the points away rather than self-vote with them.

So if I use 15 points on someone's post, they get 10 cents? That is a lovely prize you've given me. A little something I want to pass along. Nice. I'll try to figure it out. There are a few folks I'd love to boost. Thanks so much.

 10 months ago (edited) 

They have a 150 point minimum I think. I'm not really sure, I don't use Ecency much but the boost slider seems to bottom out at 150 - I've never been able to boost at less than 150.

I see. So I can bonus someone a dollar. Sweet. I'll be choosy.

If I post through that front end, do I earn ecency points? I think I tried to do that early on, but the fees I paid to ecency exceeded anything I earned from them, so I stopped using it. I might be confusing ecency with something else.

 10 months ago (edited) 

Ecency have no fees. You just post like Peakd. You will earn points for posting, commenting and so on, even just having it open earns you points.

I'll be honest and say I totally disagree with self-boosting, but the power to support others in the community is a good thing, as long as we don't see a return to circle-jerking. I sometimes downvote people who have self-boosted (it's self-voting), people who should know better. I'll do it again too. We need to support the community in general and being greedy does not do that.

If you have questions @melinda010100 is probably the right person to ask, I know nothing, because I'm a knucklehead.

lol. I think of you much more highly than as a knucklehead.

I'm afraid I recently started upvoting any of my posts that earn less than $4, usually freewrites. I know the whole shebang about the rewards pool being drained, but I seem to have been blacklisted by not a few of the curators, so I think it is fair for me to earn another 4 cents on posts that took a good half hour or more of my time if they haven't gotten $4. I give them till the end of 24 hours, when little more will come in. Lots of people with large upvotes 100% upvote all their own posts, and often their own comments too. That is pushing it if you ask me, and I don't support those accounts.

I guess I don't know what circle jerking is, because I see an awful lot of it going on, and find it far more disturbing than a small account upvoting their own posts. Friends who always upvote each others posts, often without even reading them, is what you mean by circle jerking, right?

Thank you bro @galenkp for mentioning me as one of the highlighted posts.

See you next weekend!

You're welcome. Have a good week.

Thank you so much, my dear @galenkp.

This weekend was full of genuine and interesting posts. I am very flattered to be in the highlights.

Have a great start of the week. See you next weekend 🔆

You're welcome, it was a nice post. Thanks for the effort.

Have a nice week.

There is nothing better than starting the week by seeing this summary of their outstanding content, this was an excellent weekend

Everyone did a great job this week, as usual, and I wanted also to thank you for your generous donation to the Ecency prize pool which I'll hand out over the next few weeks. ✅

to order friend, I look for a way to contribute what I can in the community, in the same way I am also grateful to you

We'll, I appreciate it greatly as will those who will receive a points bonus.

A very big congratulations to them. I believe that my account will be highlighted one day in this community.

I will keep improving until I see the positive result.

I believe that my account will be highlighted one day in this community.

Belief is a powerful tool to have in the toolbox as it helps one strive for continual improvement.

Hello sir,

First of all congratulations to those with the best ones.

I was a bit confused because I haven't seen any response on my post by you this weekend.

Just wanted to ask that if it was a bad one so that I can do more hardwork next time.
It would be great honor if you tell me about that.

I was a bit confused because I haven't seen any response on my post by you this weekend.

My time revolves around my own needs and requirements which means I place things into an order of priority and importance rather than work my time around what others may feel is more important than my own activities. I only sleep five hours a day and have a lot going on in the other nineteen hours, all of which is placed into a structure of priority; one could say I'm heavily committed to, and structured around, those things I prioritise.

I hope that answers your question.

Actually, I was talking about my post in this weekly contest.
But I totally understand your thing. No worries 👍
Best wishes ❤️

 10 months ago (edited) 

Actually, I was talking about my post in this weekly contest.

I know, and I was saying that I prioritise what I do with the emphasis on the important things which is why I didn't get to your post.

Okie mate.
Everyone has their own priorities and their own ways to deal with different things.

I always found you a very engaging person who always responds to everyone despite how busy you are.
That's why I was asking that all.
I will work really hard next time and it is a dream of mine to appear among those three whom you appreciate.

Those three winners are well deserved. Weekend- engagement is growing like family and with each week this family is sharing thoughts and expanding.

They're not winners, just posts I chose to reward a little because I liked them. There are no winners or losers in this concept, just those who enter a post and those who do not.

Actually in other communities those participants who receive ecency points are called as winners so in that sense I called them winners.

I don't like to call them that as it disenfranchises others who have put just as much effort into their posts.

Weekend is over but EXPERIENCES stay!!

Lets say this #weekendexperience was enought to fill up few post

Sadly My good videos are around here;

Click the GIF


Anyway, for the #weekend-engagement is more to show.

What's this comment about?

About i should show the weekend EXPERIENCE with that video , but now won't be able to do that.

i Will get a fresh one

Got a long weekend.

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First of all, my respects.

I have posted in this community, but I thought I should wait until the weekends to do so. I see that by following the rules you explain it can be done any day of the week.

I also like the contests that you launch every week, but I don't have my own photos to participate and so as not to break the rules I don't do it.

I hope to continue participating in the topics or contests that I have images and contribute. Happy week. Cheers and greetings.

 10 months ago (edited) 

I understand, give it a try though, I'm not concerned about what this images are, just that they're your own.

Thank you very much. I will keep an eye on the topics you propose every week and the activities that my family and I do during the weekends to share them in this community. Happy week. Cheers and best regards.

Good afternoon.
I would like to ask if you can upload video in the weekend community. I would really like to learn, but I have a video of an experience at the National Aquarium that would be better to watch than to write.

If the video is accompanied by 200+ words explaining it, and you make reference to the even happening on a weekend, then it should be fine.

Hehe, last week was my participation. I'm so glad to express myself to the peak. In fact the weekend experience initiative is a nice one, kudos man. Reading different perspectives of people to some issues of life is a nice one.

These post that you've highlighted here are awesome and they all deserve the highlight. Hoping to participate in subsequent weekend post. Thanks less I forget I love your quote, very powerful and insightful. Have a wonderful week ✌️

I hope you have a good week too, and if you join in I'll see you over the weekend.

Sure! I did
