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RE: Learn Valuable Lessons

Oh Jeez rub it in still got to get to the big 60! Wisdom never arrives my friend, loads of confusion yes....

Poor wife I feel for her, my blood is obviously desired since they carry me away with/without bug spray, then I itch for a week even thinking about it.

Appears to happen with people too, those who never question things, they live forever 😌

Well live and let live, some !WINE or !BEER at the end of the day makes my mosquitos happy I say.



I wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant
but then I changed my mind.

Credit: marshmellowman
@johannpiber, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart
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Wisdom never arrives my friend, loads of confusion yes.... and that was very wise in my eyes.

You should feel for me, because I can't sleep while she's hunting the midge 😂 !LOLZ

You just need to have enough !WINE because then you sleep deep and don't notice the midges 😉

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Oh I was thinking of you visiting Scotland where the midges come out in big swarms I hear, when we traveled some regions the bites were way worse than other places....

A fan blowing over a bed normally helps keep the little buggers off then wife can sleep in summer months too.

I think our mosquitos are wino's they love my blood, cheap..., yes they are cheap stealing from me directly!


My daughter thinks I don't give her enough privacy.
At least that's what she wrote in her diary.

Credit: henryglowz
@johannpiber, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart
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I have heard of these midget swarms in Scotland and seen in videos of photographers that they are really bad there.

Yes, such a fan could help, but we don't like these having running during the night - too loud 😉

Haha, yes, they know how to save money 🤣 !LOLZ

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

🤣whole idea of the fan is not to hear the mosquito....

Midges are international some places just have way more than others!

Perhaps no !BEER and no !WINEX will keep their !LUV for someone else.

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Hahaha !LOLZ I didn't think of that but the sound of such a little bugger is louder when he flies around your ears in search for a nice place to have dinner 😂

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Mosquitos and Fans (other than specialized ones they make now), normal fan blows over you and disperses the carbon dioxide you exhale, in other words they like your hot air, stop speaking.... or snoring! 😂


Okay, I think I'll give it a try next Summer if I still remember. I'll place a fan and let it blow over my wife, but what if the mosquitoes then decide that they do like my blood?

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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It is raining so hard we may need an Ark
Luckily I Noah guy.

Credit: happyme
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What do whales like to eat?
Fish and ships.

Credit: boboman
@joanstewart, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @johannpiber
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