
It shall not be said that we dither about like other politicians...Nay, to the contrary...We're decisive and fair completely biased our own way. Is there a different way to rule Albertaustralia?

#ironfist #EMAfightingpits

OFF TO THE EMA PITS...I like the sound of that. I also like being right even when I'm ridiculous so there is no other way to rule Albertaustralia. Long live the President and Presidette! I now crown us dictators for life. (That's a cranberry beer for the Thanksgiving theme)


The Presidette is never wrong, and that's about all I have to say about that. (Channelling some Forest Gump there.)

So, yes I can see that you've found the (one of the) National drinks of Albertaustralia...The others are...Well, it may just be easier to say, anything with alcohol?