Week 150| Credit debt Income tax


Choose one or more topics below and discuss it in any way you choose in a post of at least 300 words. I like seeing people using photos they took themselves so give it a try

Credit debt
Income tax

Family life requires us to be brave in order to achieve what we set out to do. I am very clear that we will not take anything with us, of that I have no doubt. Not all of us are fortunate enough to be granted an inheritance and we must pay all the taxes that the law dictates. Since I was a little girl, I knew that I had to work to get what I wanted. Between my children's father and I, we made a great team to have our own home. Each one of us had that space with our parents, but we wanted to have our own. I can't forget those procedures, it was a back and forth with papers, personal bank references and an immense faith since being young doesn't give much credit. We were managing the house of our dream in the city of Maracay. The day they called us to receive the keys of our home was of great joy, we had some fear to hear that we had 10 years to pay, each installment was less than $ 1 at that time. Remembering that huge responsibility makes me smile. Now to get married...Few make it for multiple reasons, nothing better than leaving a roof over our heads for future generations as paying rent is overwhelming


We lasted a year paying alguiler and hearing that doorbell at 7am on a weekend was distressing, never stopped paying the apartment owner, but we were clear on only lasting a year with our household items in that apartment. That was 30 years ago. We had to focus on having our own roof over our heads without looking sideways. Maintaining a home is not an easy task, but now our children and grandchildren will have a place to live and most importantly no one will ever run away from them...Mission accomplished. May God deliver us from unforeseen events and lead us to finish this great dream so that those who come after us will benefit from our achievements

The first image was edited with a photo-collage application. My signature with Canva application. translator used DeepL



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Me hicistes recordar mis comienzos. Pero nosotros vivimos un año con mis apdres y lego alquilamos. Despues nos metimos en un proyecto que tardo como seis años. Hasta que al fin nos dieron nuestra casa. Tienes razón eso no quita dolores de cabeza de pagar alquiler.
Un abrazo amiga @lisfabian

Hola mami, me encantan estas sugerencias de cada semana con el amigo @galenkp, nos hacen viajar en el tiempo. Bueno te digo que en casa del padre de mis hijos vivían como 30 personas y en la mía 3, pero de verdad fue lo mejor, poder buscar ese techo primero. Debe ser fuerte estar en eso, pero bueno cada quien sabe lo que puede resistir. Debe ser un peso grande teniendo niños y que se presenten problemas familiares ya sabes " que tu hijo fue" y esas cosas que veía en algunas casas donde vivían todos juntos.

Gracias a Dios y al trabajo todo marchó bien. Gracias por pasar @mafalda2018