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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 54: Think your drink

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 3 years ago

Oh, yes, I also love it with fresh mint πŸ™‚ Sometimes I do it at home and I search for mint to put in and sometimes I enjoy it with limes also. Thank You for the points, I appreciate it πŸ™‚

Tea is good in fact but I am not a tea person, I do make home tea very rarely. I usually drink tea when I go out and I feel like warming up. So, try that matΓ© πŸ˜… Tea is good in my opinion when you find that special flavour you like. Otherwise, it's boiled water πŸ˜„

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Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Lol, boiled water. πŸ˜‚