For all the topics I've missed

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago (edited)

It has been a few weekends since I have participated in this initiative, and, to be honest, sometimes it was for reasons beyond my control and sometimes because I could not find the right words for it in the midst of my inner storms.

I have already said that I am an eternal learner, and my goal is to improve every day. I aspire to become a virtuous person because I recognize that we are not born that way; this is built through practice, self-study, putting or taking away where there is a lack or excess, and giving true meaning to everything we do.

So I think that this subject that Galenkp proposes is very interesting to let my thoughts run and talk a little about this process in which I am immersed.

What three elements of life would you say are the most important to you and why?



Ever since I became aware and began to see and feel the ups and downs of life, one of the things that bothered me the most, even to the point of feeling miserable, was difficulty. Imagine living in the country I live in, where everything is so convoluted, complex and hilarious that one comes to question whether we are really part of this world.

For the record, I still have those flashes today, and I curse and grieve and say to myself, Why is everything always so difficult for me? That's how I sailed for years, almost shattered, my spirits down, wishing I had never been born, sometimes, or, for example, I even told my mother why, if I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, she didn't leave me there. Well, you see what is happening in Ukraine today, which may give some clues as to where I am heading in this discourse.

However, some time ago, I started to approach this question of difficulty in a very different way, and every time I find myself in a difficult situation or moment in my life, instead of regretting it, I think that it is out of it that real growth takes place. I am called, therefore, to be more creative. To respond to something and to solve it, instead of being tied to a wall of regrets. And so when I looked back, I could see how I learned to do things that I would never have been able to learn and know in a comfortable environment and with everything at my disposal and within my reach.

I repeat: many times those flashes of regret and complaint come, and I push them away, sometimes faster than others.

Remember that nobody is perfect, and this is about learning every day in practice.

So difficulty is something that is going to show up in our lives in many ways. It doesn't matter where we are. It will present itself, and the best we can do is to give it a luxurious response.

Difficulty is also in the stumbles we take on our journey. We fall many times. And what is expected of us? Perhaps that we stand there defeated and shattered. We don't. We get up many more times than we fall, because life is a journey, as I said, and it is a journey of personal growth. In reality, few people honestly care about you, but I do care about myself. That is why I get up again and again.

In this journey of difficulties, I have been able to observe that everyone is immersed in their own struggles, which has made me think that I should not judge others and be empathetic and compassionate with everyone, without neglecting myself, of course, because some people can be very harmful, without even caring. And this brings me to another thing that I consider important in my life:



If you stop to think a little bit, your thinking is the only thing you can really control in this life.

Notice how important thoughts are; it is through thoughts that we judge and choose to agree or disagree with people or situations, suffer, and get angry at external events that are not up to us, nor do we have power over them.

So I believe that we have to fill ourselves with something called peace, appease our thoughts and redirect them to where we can be useful. We can transform negative thoughts into positive ones and thus give a better meaning to our lives. Ultimately, if someone offends me, if I see someone doing wrong, or talking about someone else in him/her absence, I can reject this in my thinking, not be a part of it, and tell myself that I don't accept it.

If someone offends me, it is not the offense itself that bothers me. Everyone can do or say what they want; I can't control that. But if I let myself be carried away by the offense or by the bad energy of the offender and I give him/her a bad answer; I put myself on his level; I harbor resentment; I want revenge; the offense makes me feel bad, etc.; it is only my thoughts tied to someone else. I am not free. I am being a slave to someone, who doesn't even care about me. Furthermore, I overshadow my existence and devolve instead of moving forward.

If I am in a place where someone else is being spoken badly about, I might even ask that person if he/she would like that done to him/her. But what is appropriate here is to move away from these attitudes, put them out of my thoughts, and get on with my own business.

Again, I make it clear that I have offended, hurt with selfish attitudes and vain pride, and said negative things about another person in his or her absence. We have all done that. However, recognizing what we did wrong and straightening the course is also valid. That is what the past is for—to learn from it, not to live in it.

A nice way to understand who we are and what we do is to put this idea into our thinking:

The one who is depressed is living in the past, the one who is anxious is living in the future, and the one who is at peace is living in the present.

This was said by the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tse, so we can believe him, can't we?

There is a lot to talk about when it comes to thought. Often, ideas come to it that harbor and fuel fear. Fear is so terrible, as @avdesing said in her post. It paralyzes us. And it's not that we don't feel it; we all feel fears, and it's something very natural, but we also need to face them and overcome them. It is the best way to recognize our worth and the creative power we have. Then we have to put our thoughts to work and weave fine threads around our fears, observing them, observing ourselves and remembering everything we have achieved, giving priority to the positive over the negative, looking deep down for each one of the resources we have to face that fear, and many more things, which we will only find in an internal conversation.

Our thoughts are like an image projector and, at the same time, an archive full of useful tools for every moment of our lives. And one more thing: we can even order and clean this archive. That is to say, we can put better ideas; let's call them renewed and progressing documents.

The other important thing in my life —already this post is getting too long, I know— is myself. And I marked it up there in bold.



I am the main element in my life. I have to work on it every day with constancy and with conviction that I deserve all good things and love. To be aware that I came into the world to be happy and enjoy myself, not to suffer, complain, and be miserable. That's not what any of us came into the world for.

What happens is that we have free will, and we create our reality with our thoughts and then the actions that emanate from those thoughts.

Einstein said that, didn't he @avdesing?

We are architects of our destiny.

Life is short; what will you ask yourself on your deathbed?

Love, and you will be loved. If you spend your whole life looking for happiness out there or if you think it depends on things or other people, you will not find it because it is within you. In other words, if you recognize this, even in solitude, you will be happy. Notice that it is not the one who desires more who is happier, but the one who knows how to value what he has.

I heard something recently that made me smile. The malevolent cannot be happy in solitude because he will be accompanied by evil, that is, by himself; while the kind, the one who is genuine and good, will have for company the most immense force in this Universe: love.

I could go on writing, but let's leave some for another time. This post covers all the topics I have missed.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.



I was reading your post with a friend of mine 😉

😯 Buddha... Tell me. I want details! 😅

At the moment, I can only tell you that he arrived this morning and brought very good vibes and kindness to everyone who passed by him! 🎶

I'll wait for the full story. ¡Qué alegría!

I hope you are armed with patience (for the waiting time 😁). But let's see if I can bring the story, before he disappears again 😅

I have a comfortable cushion, but I'm not known for patience. What's wrong with the little elephant that it moves so slowly? 😅

Too many things around but Buddha is back and that's important. And I will check more details with him next Sunday 😉

You couldn't complement my post better, those elements are also very essential in life since they allow us to learn about ourselves. Thoughts.... fundamental theme for me. Did you know that everything begins with thoughts. Be careful with them.

Einstein said many wise and metaphysical things.... it is very interesting.

Thanks Nani!❤️

Be careful with them.

😏 yeah.

Thanks to you, for being an inspiration.

Thank you to you Nani!!!

For a minute I thought the last one was going to be bed :O)

Thought are awesomely important to me. I feel you there

😂 Well, almost. As always, inspiration strikes me in the early hours of the morning and I went to bed at 4 am. I didn't get much sleep.

Thank you.

Excellent point you made about finding happiness within. It's a hard lesson for people who believe that they will only find happiness if they meet the right person, have that new car, move to a new home, whatever!
Of course they'll never find true happiness like that, right?
Life is full of obstacles like you've pointed out, we need to believe in ourselves to overcome that.
Have a good Sunday @nanixxx

There are many more things to take into account to find happiness... Serving, for example, and being grateful. 😊🌞☕

Best regards and happy Sunday to you.

This post was well written. wouldn't have expected the first two as an element of life but the way you explained it really made sense. Great work and no worries just try to keep up with future weeks topics if time permits u :P.

Thank you.

I understand that my way of thinking does not have to be accepted by everyone. I hope someone will find value here.

And yes... no pressure.

To say that I understand you, or to say that I think I understand you, may ring hollow, no one lives someone else's circumstances. But I will tell you @nanixxx that this past December I was in Switzerland for a week, in Einsiedeln, the town where I was born and lived for the first 5 years of my life. I didn't go alone, I went accompanied by that five year old boy by the hand, the two of us together to say goodbye to a longing for the past. I too, and that child, wished a million times that we had not come to Spain. As I told you, we were there, and with much emotion we said goodbye to what was not and cannot be. In a little while, a few minutes, I will receive the first rays of the morning sun, today will be different. No, because every day is different, or because I live in the present, but because this outburst of sincerity will make it different. Thank you @nanixxx

You speak a lot of truth. Everyone's circumstances are unique. If we are not honest with ourselves, it is difficult to achieve growth.

A hug, I will soon go to sleep.

Que dulces sueños te acompañen.


Que ese sol te mantenga calentito y te ilumine para que tengas un día maravilloso.

I recently watched a drama and there is this line that I won't forget, and I suddenly remember it while reading this post.

"We become unhappy trying to find happiness."

It is somewhat true in some cases. We are focused on what we want to find without noticing our surroundings. So sometimes, we miss unnecessary things that are actually important. And those unnoticed things can also make us happy.

So regardless of life's difficulties, there are always ways to be happy even in simple things. Sometimes, it is just within ourselves. We just need to filter our thoughts to find happiness ☺️.

Happy weekend !LADY

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Happy weekend to you too or what's left of it and a happy start to the week.

It's good to know that my post reminded you of something that made you think.

😜 Don't eat too much

Haha.. I didn't.. I. Out of budget 😂

We aren't always in charge over our destiny, but we definitely are in charge of our emotions and reactions to certain circumstances.

That is one way of thinking and I accept it. Although it differs a bit from mine. ;) wouldn't be good agreeing on everything :D

I have taken this talk about thoughts and the fact that we are the architects of our own destiny to a personal level because the post is about me. But it applies to humanity in a general sense. Many people who have power and influence are creating with their thoughts and actions an abhorrent world, where wars, for example, destroy peoples and individuals. These people who are victims of this, of course, are victims and are at the mercy of evil; they cannot be in charge of their destiny in the sense that there is someone who decides who lives or who dies, for example. In that sense, you are right. That's why I said I accepted it.
I'm a bit sleepy... I can't think very well anymore. 😅

Take a good rest then, this is more of a day-topic 😉

Good night ✨

Well, I don't know what time it will be over there, but I send you lots of good energy to make your day productive in every possible way. If you just need to rest, rest and take care of yourself, it's Sunday.

Almost 9am, sipping second coffee and planing on today's stroll, actually yesterday I had 'doing nothing except breathing day' [thank you:]

Sleep tight and rest right!


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Solo paso por aquí para enviarte un abrazo virtual. Ando en pleno ensayo, pero te vi y tenía tiempo sin escribirte 😘

Hola, Jesús. Un abrazo. Acompañado por la música siempre se está bien, así que doy por sentado que así te encuentras. 😉

Excellent your reflection, Shakespeare said It would be very unhappy if I could say to what extent I am. And when you think you are happy how short it lasts. Here we are at home. Now to work and look for a little bit of happiness. ❤️🥰

Te quiero mamani 😍😘

Wonderful post dear @nanixxx (A little long, my dear).Your reflections are really wise.

😂 just a little. Thank you, friend.