
I was going to say, you don't have to drink too much yourself, but there's no point living in a fantasy world.

Macca would have no idea what he's getting into...especially with this 'sconnie

Lol...I'll keep the phone handy in the certain off chance someone needs to call 911.

a baggy Paul McCartney has cheated time by summoning his young self from the recesses of the public’s memory and thrusting him back on the world stage

Lol...Baggy. 😂

yeah such an odd public figure right now...check that Hulu docu out if you are interested. Just finished it, and I'm not sure what the point of it is other than him saying "yeah, I was great as a Beatle, and did interesting things as a Beatle, but I didn't do anything interesting over the past 50 years" Curious

You're my bro, but if you ever describe me as baggy I think I'll kill ya...🤪

I find many of these celebrity-types odd. I don't tend to relate to them very well I guess, they are no different to us but reside in a different world. Who knows what they think and why?