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RE: Miracle Cure All Hashtag

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

#ClassATM... Oohhhhh... Throughout the whole post I was thinking he is gonna explain at the end, the dude will not leave me hangin' but what if it is something I should already know??? What if it's a cool new #hashtag all the cool kids are using and I'm like, the only one?

Gahhh one more reason for me not to get invited to parties sigh

Care Less About Stupid Shit At That Moment

Ohh hallelujah, thank you God, Jo Pesci, Abraham Lincoln or whomever was my saviour at that particular moment!!!

I'm not an idiot, uneducated or even less cool than I believed I was, twas a @Dandays original! That's why I didn't know it. Funny thing is that I did know it, by many different names. It is something I have learned a hundred times over in my life and yet something I still fall foul of at times much to my own annoyance.

True words Brother and a #hashtag too, swish.

I came here via starting to respond to a comment you had left on a post of mine... 12 days ago 😲 whilst experiencing severe pangs of guilt then I thought #classatm it's probably more productive to go see what the DanMan has been getting up to rather than writing a long grovelling apologetic toned response on my post from the dark ages ((in blockchain time)).

Maybe if I could restrict myself to a line or 2 in response to commenters on my posts OR learn to type faster I could cover everyone, but I am resigned to the fact it ain't ever gonna happen! Then I thought...


Take good care of you and yours my friend, may the coming week be awesome man 👍😎

Script of the post variety - It seems I have a little work to do with using this 'particular' hashtag as I managed to use it differently at every point lol. I could've gone back and changed them but then I wouldn't have had this fun little addition to add to the comment

While I am still here or re-here via the edit feature, I guess what I was supposed to say is that just because I am shockingly bad at getting back after a comment, doesn't mean I ain't thinking about the cool friends I have met such as yourself. I can be 10 hours deep in to a shift at work and I think 'ahh crap, I still haven't responded to Dan, Galen, Melinda or whoever, they are gonna think I don't give a sh...' Well ya get the point man! 👍


Man what a great comment. Not that all your others have sucked but this one was special. Maybe cuz it's Easter. Happy Easter Steve! Maybe cuz it's Sunday, happy Sunday Steve! Then I was like 'he sure feels bad doesn't he? It isn't necessary, I know he thinks....'


Like it never happened

You've always been cool in my book dude. Not the one that haven't written either! When you get to me, it's worth the wait. And if you're saying I cross your mind even outside this platform then...


Wait! That didn't come out right. Well, depends how read it actually, as my man @stevenwood has made clear, it's a multipurpose one-size fits all #hashtag and even if you think you used it wrong you didn't. Oh where art thou when old white bastard is being himself?!

Thanks, Steve! Much love from wherever we are my brother.