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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 34: Who has influenced you

For me, my biggest influencer has been my former boss. He is a man who is currently 70 years old, I am 48, so not only was he my boss, he was also my surrogate father, my advisor, my friend and my cruelest opponent. From him I learned about values, about work ethics, and of course he taught me his art, from him I learned the best of the loss adjusting world. He was very demanding when it came to doing a job, his mystique was a precedent for me. In truth, he taught me to work with passion and love, always looking for excellence. But beyond being my boss and my mentor, he was my best friend, my great companion in the moments when I needed him the most. He was my advisor, my companion in hospitals, my companion in joys and celebrations, but above all he was my greatest opponent to my crazy ideas. When he heard that I was not right or at least my ideas did not fit with his, there were pitched battles, in those moments he was hateful and I even hated him, but after the battle was over in my corner of silence with myself, I understood the wisdom of his words and I learned. Not that he was right about everything, but he taught me to be humble in my words. He has truly been my best influencer. I use traslator. Sorry for mistakes in translation.

Translated with (free version)


I really love the idea of a boss who can also go into a heated discourse or argument to help you consolidate (or change) your ideas.

A mentor is (and should be) so much more than just an example.

Your boss sounds like an awesome human being.


Hello, if he confronted me with my mistakes and that helped me in my security, some time later it was me who confronted him and he found it funny.

A mentor the promotes excellence and not perfection, humility and ethics and challenges a person sounds like a pretty good mentor to me so I'm not surprised to hear that your boss has been of great influence and value to you. Is your boss still an influence to you or are you imparting the wisdom he gave you to others now?

Thanks for joining in the #weekend-engagement topic and don't worry about the translator, it worked fine.


Right now I try to impart the influence he had on me. Unfortunately he moved out of the country, and because of his age, his children decided that it was better for him to be near them.

I'm sure his influence will endure in your life and you'll work to pass it on Good work!

Your boss is really one to be admired, there wasn't any mistake in translation. It is all clear, I have never really had a boss like that. All that I have come in contact with are friendly and we don't have any clash in terms of my duty with them but they have played a good role and influenced my life one way or the other and have really help to increase the value of my work ethics

Hi, yes really good bosses influence in one way or another in our lives and that makes us think that they are really good at being influencers.

That's for certain, just as they have played a roll in our lives, its our duty to do same with people that come our way

Your former boss sounds really awesome. It is amazing that he filled so many different roles in your life.

Yes, he was an excellent man and he filled different roles in my life.

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It's good that you found a mentor like that, sometimes those who demand more of us in some way form us, and in the end we learn to love them for their teachings.

Eso es verdad, aprendemos a amarlos y nos dejan el testigo para seguir influyendo positivamente en otros

Bosses like the one you describe are priceless and hard to find (at least from my experience). Great for you that you were able to have one of these to learn about the work and beyond.
Tough love is hard to get for most of us. The new generation of kids I see can't deal with toughness and the teachings lying beneath.

De acuerdo contigo, es importante enseñar desde niños como lidiar con los diferentes carácteres de las personas

How good is that you had a boss like described. And your attitude, that you could accept it like a learning process and a good influence!

Gracias, así fue, una muy buena i fluencia

I can't think of a boss because I have never had one. However, when I read your comment, I can't help but think of my literature professor in college (@hlezama). He always tried to get the best out of me in his subject, to do work that was worthy, and somehow push me to give more than I could. He always motivated me to be excellent, to love what I do, to read, to analyze, and think. I believe that if I had to think of a boss, he'd be the one.

Asi es, muy pocas veces encontramos mentores, desinteresado,y llenos de voluntad, sabiduría y amor para acompañarnos, en mi vida de estudiante encontre uno que fue mi profesor en la universidad, luego mi jefe en el trabajo, después mi colega y amigo en la universidad nuevamente y ahora es mi angel en el cielo. Como lo quiero y lo extraño, de paso por ser maestro era el influencers de muchos....