
I remember dem legs...

Those are some nice legs. If only it wasn't for the scars that I earned fighting the Mosquito Wars, maybe I could've gone into leg-modelling.

Ah yes, that was a bad ass fight, the mozzie wars. So many didn't make it. You're one of the lucky ones Zachary.

Oh, the Mozzie Wars was a brutal experience for some, and a bloodbath for the rest. My flesh has the remnants of all those birds and scratches... It's painful.


Nah, mate... That's not retreating. It's called a tactical-reverse advance manoeuvre, something the French taught me... If the enemy advances in great speed, and their progress cannot be halted; advance backwards until a stronger position can be formed. If that fails, advance even farther back, until success. If failure is met, surrender, and charm the enemy into releasing you from captivity.

Sounds typically French.