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RE: What language do I learn first?

I'm currently at the what language do I learn first stage... Looking into learning programming for fun. I don't have any big problem I'm looking forward to solving at the time, just learning something I consider fun.

If it turns out I can solve any problems with it later, that'll definitely be awesome though. Also, if it is interesting enough and I don't give up along the line, I could develop it into a potential side hustle or something of the sort. This post was helpful in my search. Thanks.

Also, if you wouldn't mind me asking, have you started your coding? If you have, what language did you finally settle on and why?


Oops seems I forgot to reply to this. how are you? also, I haven't seen you in the city for a while, hope all is well.

Well, I eventually went with Javascript. I chose it because I had a people around me who knew it and could easily get help if i made mistakes. Also its helpful for designing web applications and I like that. Ive started html and css, but school just resumed all of a sudden and it's seriously hampering my progress. the tab for the video i'm watching has been left there for a couple of days. i'm sure you know how stressful school can be especially after a long strike.

Right now i'm just going with the flow.

Yeah I’m okay man, thanks. I just haven’t had the energy for discord lately. I’ll hop back on today though no worries.

With regards to the programming, freecodecamp recommended I start with HTML and CSS so that’s what I started with. Currently in the vert beginnings. Like you, I mostly have my tutorial tab open for an entire day sometimes.

I do understand how stressful school is, and I’m hoping you find a balance again soon. See you in the city, man.