Trilogy: A lonely young girl (ES/ENG)

in The Ink Well4 years ago

Trilogía: Una joven solitaria.

Había una vez, hace algunos años vivía una familia muy numerosa en un pueblo llamado río cristalino. Esta familia estaba integrada por el padre que era un hombre muy trabajador, tenían una pequeña hacienda en las montañas donde cultivaban con la ayuda de sus hijos toda clase de verduras y árboles frutales que luego les servía para alimentarse y para la ventas de quienes por las carreteras transitaban.

Este hombre era de buena apariencia, alto, de cara perfilada de piel blanca y nunca le faltaba un amplio sombrero para protegerse un poco del sol, su esposa también era muy hermosa, de larga cabellera y con un carácter muy fuerte, no se consideraba para nada una dama frágil, por el contrario era una mujer con mucho temple y una personalidad imponente, que no se detenía ante nada para trabajar y sacar con la ayuda de su marido a los diez hijos que la vida les permitió tener.

De estos hijos 9 de ellos eran varones y uno hembra. Quienes la conocieron de joven alardeaban de su impresionante belleza, su madre quien se dedicaba a la costura, le diseñaba hermosos trajes que definían su hermosa silueta, predominando así sus anchas caderas, que con su larga cabellera negra cubriendo su espalda, le daba una imagen esbelta y muy llamativa a la vista de los demás

Imaginemos aquel escenario, ella única hija sin tener con quién compartir sus travesuras, ni poder hablar sus cosas de niñas, lo que le pasaba a su cuerpo durante la adolescencia, de sus tristezas y sus alegrías, esto debido a que sus padres vivían muy ocupados y algunos de sus hermanos casi nunca estaban en casa. Debió ser muy difícil la situación para esta joven que estaba rodeada de esas figuras masculinas quienes tenían mucho que trabajar y algunos, no se pudieron de estudiar incluyéndola a ella.

Como mencionaba su madre en vista de la numerosa familia que tenían se dedicaba a coser para muchos de sus vecinos, a veces le llevaba el día entero en ese arduo trabajo, por lo que la chica desde muy temprana edad le tocó levantarse de madrugada a pilar maíz para preparar grandes cantidades de arepas que se hacían en un fogón para poder alimentar a todos sus hermanos, padres e inclusive algunos trabajadores que ayudaban en la hacienda, esta era su rutina diaria, aparte de los otros tantos trabajos que se tenían que hacer en aquel humilde hogar.

Era una responsabilidad muy grande y pesada para ella, quien a su corta edad quizás soñaba con poder jugar, estudiar y tener amigos. Por ser la tercera en nacer, le toco en muchas ocasiones hacer el papel de madre de sus hermanos menores, tener que irse a la orilla del río para lavar toda aquella ropa mal oliente y muy percudida por el trabajo de siembra que su familia realizaba.

Esto le robo su infancia y parte de su juventud, al grado que ella nunca supo lo que fue aprender a bailar, apenas aprendió a leer y a escribir. A pesar de aquellas largas faenas agotadoras y quizás algo frustrante, la adolecente siempre se preocupaba por verse bien arreglada y lucir todos los hermosos vestidos que su madre le hacía con tanto amor, eso quizás era una de sus pocas alegrías que ella sentía.

También contaba con la sobreprotección de su padre quien la amaba por ser la niña de sus ojos y de sus hermanos mayores. En ocasiones uno de ello le alegraba el día con pequeños regalos que conseguía a lo largo del camino, era muy apegado a ella y la defendía de cualquiera que quisiera hacerla enojar.

Es lógico pensar que la vida de esta familia no era nada fácil, por ser de bajos recursos y vivir en un pueblo donde las oportunidades de progreso eran mínimas, le toco hacer trabajo duro a tan temprana edad. Pero a pesar de todos ellos se apoyaban y entendía que esa era su realidad y que tenían que luchar todos juntos para poder seguir adelante.

Trilogy: A lonely young girl

Once upon a time, a few years ago, a very large family lived in a village called Crystal River. This family consisted of the father who was a very hard-working man. They had a small hacienda in the mountains where, with the help of their children, they grew all kinds of vegetables and fruit trees that were later used for food and sales by those who traveled on the roads.

This man was of good appearance, tall, with a profiled face of white skin and never lacked a wide hat to protect himself a little from the sun, his wife was also very beautiful, with long hair and a very strong character, she did not consider herself to be a fragile lady at all, on the contrary she was a woman with a lot of courage and an imposing personality, who did not stop at anything to work and take out with the help of her husband the ten children that life allowed them to have.

Of these children, nine were boys and one was a girl. Those who knew her when she was young boasted of her impressive beauty; her mother, who was a seamstress, designed beautiful clothes that defined her beautiful silhouette, and her wide hips prevailed, and with her long black hair covering her back, she gave a slender and very striking image to the sight of others.

Imagine that scenario, her only daughter with no one to share her mischief with, nor being able to talk about her girlish things, what happened to her body during adolescence, her sadness and her happiness, this because her parents lived very busy and some of her brothers were almost never home. The situation must have been very difficult for this young woman who was surrounded by those male figures who had a lot of work to do and some of them could not study including her.

As her mother mentioned in view of the large family that they had, she dedicated herself to sewing for many of her neighbors, sometimes taking her the whole day in that arduous work, so the girl from a very early age had to get up at dawn to prepare large quantities of arepas that were made on a stove in order to feed all her brothers, parents and even some workers who helped on the farm, this was her daily routine, apart from the many other jobs that had to be done in that humble home.

It was a very big and heavy responsibility for her, who at her young age perhaps dreamed of being able to play, study and have friends. Being the third one to be born, on many occasions she had to play the role of mother to her younger brothers and sisters, having to go to the riverbank to wash all those smelly clothes and very much aware of the work her family was doing.

This robbed her of her childhood and part of her youth, to the extent that she never knew what it was like to learn to dance, she barely learned to read and write. In spite of those long, exhausting and perhaps somewhat frustrating chores, the teenager always worried about looking well groomed and wearing all the beautiful dresses her mother made for her with so much love, which was perhaps one of her few joys.

She also counted on the overprotection of her father who loved her for being the apple of his eye and of her older siblings. Sometimes one of them would brighten her day with small gifts he got along the way, was very attached to her and defended her from anyone who wanted to make her angry.

It is logical to think that the life of this family was not at all easy, being of low resources and living in a town where the opportunities of progress were minimal, she had to do hard work at such a young age. But in spite of all of them, she supported herself and understood that this was her reality and that they had to fight together to be able to move forward.


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