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RE: The New World (Short Story)

in The Ink Welllast year

I think that's one of the nicest and most thoughtful comments I've received on one of my stories, thank you so much. I'm so happy I was able to capture a few ranges of emotions while going through Doro's day.

Yeah, 100%, when I saw the older guy riding his E-Scooter it popped into my head about an older guy living in a futuristic sci-fi world, and I couldn't help but imagine what kind of gripes they might have with their world/ society, and also, what kind of challenges would they go through.

I found writing for him a bit of a challenge because I didn't want to be insensitive and I wanted to do him justice. I also found it a challenge because I've never tackled writing for a significantly older character, but I think it paid off. Writing short stories, based around certain characters is great for world-building/ exploration, but most importantly, practicing writing in different voices.

Thanks again for your encouraging words and review of this story, I'm glad you liked it!