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RE: The New World (Short Story)

in The Ink Welllast year

Doro is a man that many readers could not help but to love. A widowed man in turbulent times, technology changing the genetic capabilities of those around him... You take a classic tale of 'the grumpy old man' and give it a fresh spin here, with plenty of grit to match the glamour of this futuristic world! The range of emotions you carry us through is seamless, your descriptions and character development are stunning! Thank you for sharing this fascinating story with us, and for your engagement with other members of the community.


I think that's one of the nicest and most thoughtful comments I've received on one of my stories, thank you so much. I'm so happy I was able to capture a few ranges of emotions while going through Doro's day.

Yeah, 100%, when I saw the older guy riding his E-Scooter it popped into my head about an older guy living in a futuristic sci-fi world, and I couldn't help but imagine what kind of gripes they might have with their world/ society, and also, what kind of challenges would they go through.

I found writing for him a bit of a challenge because I didn't want to be insensitive and I wanted to do him justice. I also found it a challenge because I've never tackled writing for a significantly older character, but I think it paid off. Writing short stories, based around certain characters is great for world-building/ exploration, but most importantly, practicing writing in different voices.

Thanks again for your encouraging words and review of this story, I'm glad you liked it!