The Space Between (Ink well prompt #68)

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

Untitled design - 2022-06-07T040150.131.jpg

the space between what's wrong and right;
that's where you'll find me, waiting for you.

I exist in the shadows...

I am not a bad person but, like others, I have made a fair few mistakes in my life. People have been hurt because of my actions. I know I can't keep running forever. Someday I will need to give myself up, to atone for my wrongdoing. But I have become accustomed to living my life on the edge - a lost soul struggling to eke out a path of survival in this hellhole in which I find myself.

By day, I sequester myself to the protective cover of the trees, lurking in the undergrowth, because I can move about more easily unnoticed. Cries of anguish spill from the mouths of the many nameless, faceless beings exchanging painful thrust and parry, just beyond the timberline. Sometimes, however, my need to seek refuge is overcome by a greater desire to be free from the invisible shackles that bind me. The sun occasionally slices through the forest canopy, shafts of filtered light thrown from the Heavens to the woodland floor. Sometimes I am brave and I sneak out into the clearing and bask in the warmth of its radiance for just a few minutes, longing for a more permanent solution to my stasis.

By night, the flashlights make their way across the barren wasteland... this place where I survive under the cover of darkness. They seek out the survivors, the ones intent on evading capture by either side, the undecided... the vulnerable... easy prey for the wolves.

There is a certain je ne sais quoi that eludes me... and I am searching for it, one day at a time. The world I live in feels foreign. There is a nothingness that consumes the scorched and bereft landscape. Devastation and death appear in abundance. The stench is unbearable. A senseless loss of life and meaning. I question whether the truth could honestly be this unwelcoming.

I look at the last tally scribbled furiously in my notebook, retrieved momentarily from inside my breast pocket. The numbers are escalating. I keep track. It's one of the things I do. I must retain a purpose. Fragmented memories burn through time. The devil lies in the detail... I am fairly certain of that. I just need to make sense of it all.

I pull out a creased and torn page and slowly unfold it taking care not to do more damage. I found it flapping in the breeze amongst the rubble one evening, a paper butterfly in the ruins, and hastily retrieved it before fleeing the onslaught. It's fragility is no match for the beauty it contains. I now keep it safely tucked between the worn pages of my thoughts. It is the only reading material available to me outside of what I have written myself. I am still not sure exactly what it all means, but I know somehow that it is important, and so I keep it safe.

I hear the rider before I see him. He gallops past and then, leaning into his mighty stallion, tugging gently on the reins, he rounds on himself. As he slowly approaches the thicket where I am hiding, his horse's ears prick with curiosity and uncertainty, perhaps sensing my concealed presence, mere feet from where they come to a standstill. I am quite surprised to see a living animal in these parts, let alone one so majestic in stature, regal in nature, but I have heard that a few of the soldiers have them.

Now that he is so close to me, I can see that the rider is in fact a soldier, and seemingly of high rank and nobility, for he wears a fine robe, albeit bloodied in battle, and carries a royal scepter. He dismounts and whispers something to the gentle beast. Through the tangled branches I can just make out its brilliant white mane in the halfmoon light as the stallion nuzzles his head into his master, before wandering off in obedience.

The soldier kneels down carefully, and peers through the low-hanging branches. Then he shines his torch into the undergrowth, picking out the form of my body, and scanning slowly over my entire being. I try to hug the tree to escape the beams, but my efforts are futile and what is more, I find myself instead drawn to the light.

In that moment, I find it quite beautiful, bright but not blinding; a still comfort.

I remain tentative, silent, but then something moves and grows inside of me... his voice is kind, calm. His movements slow, graceful.

Hey there

He ventures,

meet me halfway...

I know you are scared but..."the space between your heart and mind, is a space we'll fill with time". source

And then it hits me. Despite everything I have done to remain a fugitive, choosing to live my life in the shadows, unseen, unheard, somewhere on the spectrum between wrong and right, the light has still found me in the space between. The choice to surrender was never mine to make. The time had arrived.

Edging closer, he reaches out with his hand, and this time, whispers my name softly... before adding,

it is ok, you are safe with me, you can come out now. I am not here to hurt you, but to save you.

My jaw drops. I have no words. Nobody knows who I am. But here is this person, this stranger to me, calling me by my name. What does it mean? How does he know who I am? Who has sent him? My mind is racing... so many questions. Despite my confusion, for the first time in my life, I no longer want to be hiding in the shadows. I am tired of waiting. Tired of the voices within me engaged in a tug of war with my soul, merely existing in what is left of our world, and I know at that moment that it is finally safe to come out of the dark; to put my faith in this stranger who feels so very familiar to me.

I very much want to crawl out from that point of indecision and despair, to wrap my arms around him in gratitude, and to live freely in the light of day.

As I make my way, on bended knee towards the source of the beam, my heart at peace, and step out into the hallowed light dancing on the edge of the treeline, I look up into his face, and at that moment, surprising myself, I reach back, as echos of the words adorning that torn scrap of paper resound in my head:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Eph 2.8 N.I.V

White horse by Simonkr on Canva Pro used under Canva Pro's One Design Use licence

The Space Between - Glenn Ballard and Dave Matthews

Dreemport banner used with permission of @dreemsteem and @dreemport and designed by @jimramones



An interesting mix, this...

Dave Matthews Band with an ode to Ephesians. Moving... powerful... chilling, and certainly something to pay attention to.

Some are afraid to say God just as much as some do not believe. It was never my intent to preach. Nor was it to question; whether someone believes or not, is none of my business really. My wish was to spread positive energy, love, and healing, on the Blockchain. Get thoughtfulness akin to, "what can I post about today?".

I'm in a good amount of pain... 24/7. I worry all the time; will those nerve linings being eaten by my Multiple Sclerosis, decide it's time to munch on the one's that control my heart... breathing... but you know what? I wake up. Every single day! And each day is another to what? That's right... spread that love. Spread that positive energy! #tomorrowisthegoal...

Love and light my friend ✌... and thank you for using my TAG.


@tipu curate

hi Wes 🤗 thank you for your exceptionally moving and thoughtful comment. This piece of mine is a short story fiction written as a metaphor with allegorical content and infused with an underlying personal spiritual journey of discovery. It was something I found quite special to write. I hadn't listened to the Dave Matthews band in a while and I came across this old fave, *The Space Between" and the words really spoke to me in relation to the subject matter 🤗

I love that you spread your light around Hive. It's beautiful, welcoming, and kind, and I think we all enjoy it when your lovely words adorn one of our posts, and more people could do a lot worse than to take a leaf out of your book. You are an inspiration, my friend. I cannot imagine what it must be like to struggle so much with the constant distraction of pain and fear and to then find a way each day to set them aside for a time in selfless service to others. RESPECT❣️

Let's all keep spreading that love and light together and bring more people along for the joyous ride.


Much love and light to you too. You are in my thoughts and prayers xx



Speechless... thank you for your kind words and wonderful energy. And yes...


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Nice reflection, @wesphilbin! May God bless you!



Thank you brother. Looks like you got some DREEM Tokens as well!


You're very welcome, @wesphilbin! DREEM Tokens!? 😃 Let me take a look!!! 👀


Apologies brother! I thought the "Comment of the Day" was for you! Seems it was for me. But none the less, still appreciate your kind words and awesomesauce'ness!!


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"awesomesauce'ness" 🤣👍 Thank you very much, brother!

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oh my.

hehehe do i need to even say anything Sam?

I think not. lol I think you know that every "episode" of that show we've been watching has made me cry - and this one is no different... hehehe

another episode, another rescue, another life restored.

I love this so much. I need to keep this one saved in my bookmarks ehehehe

beautiful. heartbreakingly real. what love ❤️

Thank you, Leah🤗. This was a special one for me. From the moment I saw the prompt, I knew what my story was about. I had listened to The Dave Matthews Band the previous week and had the song on repeat, just listening to the words, and I knew I wanted to use them. The only thing I wasn't 100% sure of? Was... how I would end it. By Sunday... I had no doubts. I knew. I was up almost all of last night editing and refining. I wanted it to be perfect. It isn't... but it means the world to me. I am beyond happy that it had this impact and that you enjoyed it that much💗 Love you x


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Such an awesome journey♥️ I can only imagine his fear - but the combination of the Word and the horse helped guide him into the light :)


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How many magicians does it take to pull a rabbit out of a hat?
One. It's a trick question.

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💗🙏many many steps in the journey, my friend... and sometimes pirates share greater treasures than we had imagined possible and set us on the path to fulfilling that dreem that leads into the light 💗 thank you for the kind curation !LUV !ALIVE

@wrestlingdesires! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (2/10)

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The journey has just begun ❤️ May we all enjoy every second :) ...

You are most welcome, it's well earned, as always 🙌


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This is a beautiful and delicately told story. It feels like unfolding flower petals revealing exquisite narrative details like the following paragraph:

I look at the last tally scribbled furiously in my notebook, retrieved momentarily from inside my breast pocket. The numbers are escalating. I keep track. It's one of the things I do. I must retain a purpose. Fragmented memories burn through time. The devil lies in the detail... I am fairly certain of that. I just need to make sense of it all.

I enjoy the great care you take in crafting this beautiful prose.

Thank you, my friend. This means a lot. I value your opinions and insights. This story was important to me... so I took my time with it🤗... I take my time anyway with my stories... !LOLZ but this one I revisited a number of times to refine and re-edit. !LUV

What happened when the cows escaped from the paddock?
Udder Chaos!

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This is an allegory I can step with like John Bunyan or Hannah Hurnard. I see a lot of yourself in this story. In this crazy world you take some time out to gain some sanity and concentrate on a short story that can help others.


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Thank you, my friend💞 You get it 🤗 I need to come visit your blog❣️!LUV !ALIVE

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@mineopoly! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (3/10)

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I sequester myself to the protective cover of the trees, lurking in the undergrowth, because I can move about more easily unnoticed.

Sequester is a gorgeous word! I feel for your character in the shadows - not there because of any evil intent, but needing something to bring them into the light, whether that's a knight on a horse or something symbolic to tug them into the living world.

A lovely read!

Thank you for your kind comment. I love words that seem to roll off the tongue with a certain kind of deliciousness; words that one can enjoy and play with !LOLZ !ALIVE

@riverflows! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (9/10)

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Like 'surreptitious' and 'meander' and 'umbriferous'.

haha YES!!! exactly like these !LUV Have a wonderful day hun x

ps: I would have loved to have shared your recent Ink Well post in Dreemport. I thought it was incredible...but we have PG13 rating restrictions for Dreemport... hopefully I can grab another of yours soon. I'd love to see your writing being shared here, I think you might enjoy the engagement as the community grows.

I've been sharing the following posts with a few people this past week on how to sign up to Dreemport, and show how Dreemport is uniquely positioned to help writers to gain more eyes on their content, whilst enjoying the benefits of community. I thought I'd share them with you too ❤️ if you'd like to take a look and get a feel for what Dreemport is all about. It is so easy to register and use and it complements Hive so nicely.

Here are the links to let you know all about the project/community and how to use it, one written by @dreemsteem and the other by a relatively new dreemer, @jane1289, who provides a really nice review and how to article of Dreemport from a newcomer's perspective. Hope you don't mind the intrusion😍
How do I use Dreemport
Building a better name with Dreemport

Haha.. Forwarded comment 🤣

You always come up with something unique that plays out in an interesting way, @samsmith1971. And you infuse your stories with poetic and descriptive language.

There is a nothingness that consumes the scorched and bereft landscape. Devastation and death appear in abundance.

Great story. I loved it!

I'm with Jayna on this one; the desolation of the landscape was what captured me in this piece - and I enjoyed the verb choice of 'sequester' just as much as riverflows!

The metaphor of the piece was completely unexpected. As a structural feature, it made me wonder how you might have punctuated this piece with verses throughout. I did a second look through the piece, and you gave hints throughout the piece of where you were going, but only in hindsight did they click.

And as always, the tightness of the mechanics of the writing in this piece made is easy to read! Bravo!

Thanks Tim! I appreciate the support. Having your keen and watchful eye run over my posts occasionally is a blessing. I spent a fair bit of time editing and refining so I am pleased that this shows🤗 I truly appreciate that you saw fit to read it through twice in search of congruency and continuity; I do this kind of thing myself when faced with similar situations !LOLZ !ALIVE

@lordtimoty! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (10/10)

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I appreciate these words of support from you Jayna. My writing simply follows my heart...and I think I have a love affair with words, truly... and when I find a new one that I like... yum💗 !ALIVE !PIZZA

Beautiful story, @samsmith1971. Your story takes us to another time and an alternative reality. The narrator's plight as a fugitive creates a great story arc. It is believable that coming out of hiding is an incredible relief he is ready to submit to, even though there are no guarantees that the rider means him no harm.

Thank you for posting your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other writers in the community.

Thank you for appreciating my piece. I tried to write the story on multiple levels so that it could be read at once as a simple fictional post-apocalyptic tale, an allegory, or a personal human story... or all three combined, as originally intended❤️ !PIZZA

Deliver me from darkness into the light
When you feel that you don’t have the ability or the will to change a situation, a savior would be a marvelous intervention. But I think the mind has to be open to the possibility of redemption and the healing grace of “light”.
So beautifully told, I adore your lyrical turn of phrase❤️🤗💕🤗🤗❤️

Thank you for the support Susan. I appreciated your thoughts on the story that you shared with me in DM. Isn't it always so interesting how many different interpretations can be derived? I was never in a particularly dark place though... although I am now feeling very much in the light and blessed 🙏 !PIZZA


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Gosh, that was deep and full of emotions. I felt every word in this masterpiece. Beautifully written @samsmith1971 Sending you love from afar!

Thank you, my friend. I loved writing it and appreciate your kind and supportive words !LUV

Oh you're very welcome, my friend. Big hug!!


@bloghound! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (3/10)

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Oh thank you!!

Well written from the heart, dear friend Sam., and I so love it. “the space between what’s wrong and right: that’s where you’ll find me, waiting for you.” Perhaps I could hear a loud voice screaming for space. Sometimes we all need a space for nothingness. A space where we see ourselves idle, yet with great hopes to see a world full of sparkles.

Thank you @talecharm... space is something I believe that we all need to create for ourselves... emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. It helps us to reset and gain greater clarity on the things that matter in life !PIZZA

As I read each word in this piece, the words mirror to my experience. Not to mention, I am just an ordinary woman. With the inferiority I have in my heart, I chose to stay in isolation. No one has ever noticed my existence as well, even bit of me. I feel safe holding myself away from others. But then, sometimes, when we feel like we're just alone, people would come unexpected in our lives showering us the light and assuring us that things will br alright.

Nobody should ever be made to feel less than. We are all very special in God's eyes. He notices you💗 and I am sure there are a lot of people who notice you too Leticia. When the light comes from people or God, open your heart to it and let it pour all over you, my friend. Allow yourself to connect. There are so many beautiful treasures to be found. I think you will find lovely community and friendship in Dreemport. Thank you for opening up on my post. Sending you a big hug x !LUV

Aweee, your words are truly comforting my friend Sam. I appreciate it a lot. I guess I need to step out from the dim spaces and embark the beauty of life without minding any judgement.

Hi @samsmith1971! I loved it! Your post captivated me from the very beginning!

Yes, we are safe, secure, and full of joy in His arms!


Thank you Armando, we are indeed❤️!LUV

Hi @samsmith1971,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
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Thank you for the support, it is much appreciated❣️ !PIZZA

@lordtimoty I finally finished it... it's a bit late but better late than never, right? !LOLZ


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You're always making an incredible story.. !LUV it.. Keep it up

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thank you so much, Jane. I am happy that you enjoyed it !ALIVE

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Thanks for the ALIVE.. I !LUV it 😁

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I appreciate this, Wes !LUV

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Congratulations, @samsmith1971! Your story has been chosen for the weekly #theinkwell magazine and has received a vote from Curie. Please keep supporting the community by commenting on other writers' stories.

oh, thank you so very much. That is very kind and special. !ALIVE

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