A short look at how terrible power can be forged.

in The Ink Well3 years ago

There was this hunger for salvation, the arms holding me must have been baptism & sanctification. I cleaned my footsteps at the mouth of the door & it ate the dust from my toes.


I must have wandered far because I brought the sea with me into the room & it roamed restless through the rafters & floor. The salt grime was on my lips. Maybe that was old tears but they were also in my hair, crusty like scabs.

The shadows on the wall seemed to waver each time the door opened & those eyes seemed to say; "just wait for night. In that pause of bird breath, I will take your body from you & leave you with your convictions."

There was a thirst in the air & my body seemed alive & ready to die. I waited with my clenched fists inside that darkness & it was morning before I could sleep. It was then they came, screaming in their sack cloth, ash stained faces & dusty feet.

They kept screaming & scratching at the door mouth, demanding my body be opened to their hungers. I clawed the walls trying to find purchase in this life but my hands were tired from carrying this body all these years. They gave way like an eroded beam & I fell into my body like a house without foundation.

You should see how these ones rushed through me seeking the power that was promised them. What they met though was a cage. As they rummaged through my bones seeking ways to control me, I picked the razor. They did not understand until Esu came to carry my body from the floor. Their scream grew louder but Esu had his headphones on and heard none of their plea for mercy.

In hell, I began my work. Each one of them was bound to me. I mean powers beyond ken. I was powerful enough to matter & I made sure my voice was heard. The first thing I did once my position was assured, was to break the spirits to subjugation then I broke my spirit too. It took me two millennia to get this done. Now I am back among the living, more powerful & very very hungry.


A short story of a man's quest for power, the way you write is different from most others and it has a way of building anticipation.
Great story.

the arms holding me must have been baptism & sanctification.

I think you made a mistake here. I think you meant" baptized and sanctified "

Thank you @b0s. It wasn't a mistake. I wrote it deliberately.

Oh, my mistake

You narrate the eternal and circular struggle between our two most important components while we are only body.

It is a terrible struggle that is sometimes lost but whose defeat is not definitive because we carry the enemy inside us and sometimes we exchange roles. Until, by dint of tears, real or metaphorical, we recompose ourselves...

I like your analysis. Indeed the character battles some demons whether real or imagined and to become better, he has to conquer them.

Thank you for stopping by.

You have the power of words and I liked that. I am smiling reading > my body seemed alive & ready to die.

Yeah you know that feeling of adrenaline that feels like it would rip your heart out. Thank you for stopping by.

Thank you, @warpedpoetic for sharing this eloquent story of dark urges and primordial force. Your language soars as you take us to a place that lurks often unrecognized in our collective subconscious.

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Thank you for reading.

I love the way that your narrative carries me along within my mind. Almost as if I'm living through your body, seeing what you seen. Hearing what you heard. Writing in the first person can be difficult at times. But I applaud you! It was a very interesting read and honestly, I think I'm going to follow you just to see if you follow up with this. I want to know more, what is he? And just where this story is going to take us.

Well done, I most certainly will be anxiously awaiting the next addition to this story!

Oh thank you so much for the comment and the follow. I really appreciate this.
I don't know if I will follow up on the story. My attention span is terrible and I have began many story series only to abandon them halfway. I might try my hands at it again. Let's see how it goes.

Once again thank you for your kind words