
Just try to make sure that your Voting Mana remains above 80% when you start your voting spree. 😏

Anyway, your Voting Mana is above 86% right now, which is great. 😅

Thanks for the PIZZA! 😀 Have some !LOLZ in return! 😁

Did you hear about the cat who ate a ball of yarn?
She had mittens.

Credit: marshmellowman
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

From time to time it's good for a forgetful man to be reminded. 😆


Maybe your forgetfulness would be so kind as to allow you to remember good memories! 😅

Thanks for the !CTP! 😀 Have some !LUV in return! 😁

I now hesitate to tip !CTP 😆

I wonder if it's really working.

I already received 0.2 !CTP from you 5 times today. 😀😅

It's good! No limit as to the number of times sending it to the same person? 🤣

When I read your question again, it looks like I made a different answer 2 days ago. 😅 The answer to your question is that there is no limit of how much !CTP can be sent to the same recipient from the same tipper per day. 🤓

There is a limit of 10 CTP tips from the same user per day regardless of the amount of CTP staked at least 100, but there is apparently no limit of how many CTP tips a user can receive from others per period of time. 🤔😏