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RE: AAAA - Ask Acid Almost Anything 2

in Ask the Hivelast year

If your stake isn't big I think using your votes on comments can be way more effective, along with replies, especially on bigger stakeholders to garner their attention.

This is great advice, I had actually never thought of it yet. My Hive Power is almost 1600 HP achieved in one year, to which of course must be added the liquid rewards I used for other projects such as Splinterlands or others.

I also think the key to Hive's growth is to use traditional social media to make it known to as many users as possible. But I also believe that the only potentially good social media is Twitter, and that's one of the reasons why I really respect you and your project. In any case Twitter guarantees a very large coverage using the right hashtags, I am in fact trying to take good care of my twitter profile and try to attract Italian users (since I am also Italian)

A big dream of mine would be to start using 3Speak well on the model of YouTube shorts, in my opinion it's a format that could work. Although being Italian I am penalised by the language, my spoken English is not as fluent as the written one (also because I help myself with a translator sometimes), this is the only thing holding me back.

Thank you for the very interesting and very stimulating chat!