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RE: I won't wear a mask and I won't get experimental gene therapy called 'vaccine'.

in The Man Cave3 years ago

You make a good point that some regions might be riskier to drive than others.

I am tempted both to write more about this topic, and at the same time shut up about it. Some points I definitely can find some more data and bring that to the party.

But some points I feel very strongly about:

  1. I won't be forced to feel afraid, and I can't be convinced to feel afraid by the mere word 'science'.

  2. Ignoring data is not science.

  3. No control group is not science. ('joke' at the end). I do perceive irony here because resistant people are following science by being a control group.

  4. Numbers where I live (and in the US) are overcounted, especially cases, with high PCR amplification rates, but also deaths, as hospitals get more money for covid death than any other kind of death. A friend and more than one known person here was killed by forced intubation/ventillator in the early days, this is related to hospital budgets.


  1. Cases are not deaths. (see PCR ampification). They are choosing to spin it up to 45 cycles to create false positive 'casedemic', while knowing that after 30-33 cycles this process is meaningless.

I would normally shut up about personal things, take my ivermectin and be quiet, but the alternative opinion is being shouted from the roof tops, and its honestly not very convincing to me.

I appreciate your response, as always.


I'll have to do some work. My example is shredded, but I think I can still pull a few.points out of the mess that has become my argument.😅