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RE: The differences between men and women!

in OCD4 years ago

Women are clever and men are practical...I have seen many examples of the other way around too, but generally I think I'd have to agree.

I think little Mikey would not want to swap out his wheel barrow for a pram as he looks pretty content..,And will probably push his own kids around in a wheel barrow at some stage in the future.


Hahaha, what we teach our kids they will be sure to repeat my friend.
There are always exceptions, but I focused more on the fun side of things.
Just trying to get a few smiles :)

It's probably best to teach kids lessons whilst maintaining a fun environment. I know my parents did that, as best as they could. We learned our lessons within an environment that we could feel comfortable in and was enjoyable, rather than through getting a clip around the ears (smack) most often. Although, when we did the wrong thing the latter was administered. Not too much though. I was an angel of a kid. 😂

Oh, oh, I was a little rebel that collected hidings almost every day :)
No father and mom working left only gran to look after us and thankfully I had a lot of free time to roam about.
Had many adventures in my life my friend.

Childhood adventures are healthy and can form a good grounding for adulthood, ones ability to adapt to changing situations and have the courage to step out of ones comfort zone. I guess that's what those formative years are about.

I guess that you are totally correct lol.
Sadly nowadays children only seem to have IT adventures.
Everyone is glued to their phones!

I grew up before all of that started and feel fortunate for that. Kids these days are different, mostly. It's not as safe for them in public spaces I suppose, but most don't want to be out there anyway. I wonder where it goes from here.

No idea where it goes from here as everything is upside down nowadays.
I already have a hard time keeping up with all the changes and the kids accept it as natural. 20 years from now this world will be a very strange place.