
It's probably best to teach kids lessons whilst maintaining a fun environment. I know my parents did that, as best as they could. We learned our lessons within an environment that we could feel comfortable in and was enjoyable, rather than through getting a clip around the ears (smack) most often. Although, when we did the wrong thing the latter was administered. Not too much though. I was an angel of a kid. 😂

Oh, oh, I was a little rebel that collected hidings almost every day :)
No father and mom working left only gran to look after us and thankfully I had a lot of free time to roam about.
Had many adventures in my life my friend.

Childhood adventures are healthy and can form a good grounding for adulthood, ones ability to adapt to changing situations and have the courage to step out of ones comfort zone. I guess that's what those formative years are about.

I guess that you are totally correct lol.
Sadly nowadays children only seem to have IT adventures.
Everyone is glued to their phones!

I grew up before all of that started and feel fortunate for that. Kids these days are different, mostly. It's not as safe for them in public spaces I suppose, but most don't want to be out there anyway. I wonder where it goes from here.

No idea where it goes from here as everything is upside down nowadays.
I already have a hard time keeping up with all the changes and the kids accept it as natural. 20 years from now this world will be a very strange place.

I often say the same thing regarding the world in twenty years. It seems to move so fast. I remember back to my earlier days and how simple life seemed. Maybe it wasn't so simple for my parents at the time however certainly far more simple than it is now. I yearn for those days now, the simplicity of less traffic on the roads, the greengrocer who packed my things in brown paper bags, the lack of big yellow's M's on every corner and when people had respect and courtesy. Is it too much to ask? Alas, it is a pipe dream because those days are long gone and will never return. The world is wondrous for sure, however it is also fast becoming untenable in my opinion.