Who is behind the wheels?

in OCD3 years ago (edited)


I made a short post concerning this on my noise.cash account @forbescover so I’m here to give the full post “about who is behind the wheels”

I want you to ask yourself this question;


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Yes! The question is who is behind the wheels of my life?

I’ve seen so many people live their lives in the prisons of others. People want to impress other, they want validation from others, they buy things to gain the attention of others and totally neglect who they are and are driven by the society.

It’s very sad that a lot of people are in this category that’s why we see a lot of unreal and unattractive type of people in the society.

Let’s take this scenario to further understand my thoughts on this concept.

There are two friends, Friend A and Friend B. Deep down friend A and Friend B like to eat rice but Friend A saw a post online that a particular celebrity likes eating rat, so Friend A started eating rat and anytime Friend B eats rice, Friend A mocks Friend B.

After series of mocking from Friend A, Friend B decided to start eating rats too and that’s how both of them start eating rats.

Let’s analyze this scenario.

Friend A neglected his own inner cravings and started craving for another’s own type of meal. Friend A doesn’t even know whether the celebrity said he likes rat because he wanted to get attention. Friend A started living in the prison of the celebrity and friend A dragged friend B to be his own prisoner and that’s how the cycle of this kind keep on.

You might be in this kind of a cycle and it’s time to take back your wheels.

But you might ask how? I will list a few things you can do.

Before you do anything ask yourself “why I’m I doing this?“


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When you ask yourself this question, answer it genuinely.
By doing this, you can know the reason for your every action. If your answer is because of some external factor, then your wheels ain’t with you.

Do away with friends that are driven by the society


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The kind of environment we are, play over a 90% of our success in life.
look at the people in developed countries, they don’t find it as hard to be successful like the ones in underdeveloped countries.
This is to show you that environment matter a lot in the success of a man.

You psychological environment is the friends around you. If you friends are easily swayed by external factors then there is a high chance that you are definitely going to be living their kind of life.

it’s a very common saying that if you want to be rich follow the steps of the rich and that’s very true.
So in the same way if you want to be in charge of yourself, avoid people that are not in charge of themselves and be with people that are in control of themselves and love themselves.

Have and aim


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when you have an aim, you are driven by that aim and that’s a good one.
It would be difficult for someone else to redirect you when you have somewhere you are heading.

I have noticed that anytime I have an aim I tend to do better even though I don’t get the aim I alway do better and I don’t get swayed by the opinion of others

Spend some quality time alone


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Spending lone time help one to reflect on one’s personal life. This act lead to self love and when you love yourself you would always want to do things that you love.

You would have notice people that spend time alone don’t so much bother about the opinion of others and also they do great things too because when you are alone you focus on what’s inside rather than the effects of the environment.

Thank you for reading 🙂. I hope you find this interesting. Please drop your feedback on whatever you feel I did wrong. I alway like to improve, so constructive criticism is allowed.

Cover photo was photographed by me
The photos in the article were designed using free images from Canva.com

I first published this article on read.cash https://read.cash/@baned/who-is-behind-the-wheels-71a79526


You are right. We need to be in control of our own wheels and not be driven by friends or external factors. We will do great things if we focus on ourselves than allowing someone to have control over us.

Hey Busayo! It’s been a while you came here.
and you are right about doing great things when we focus on ourselves.

I hope I get to see you around

Hi khoola from @dreemport,

Love reading your post, this was very inspiring. Gives one the idea how he/she is probably not living they life they wanted, and are just being driven by external influences.

Oh thanks for this word of encouragement from you.
I hope to see more of you on dreemport

I do my best not to be swayed by external factors. Thanks for sharing some helpful tips

Found your post through#dreemport

You are right bro that it is necessary to have an aim an object to be a successful person in whole life. If we have aim then we can easily focus on one thing and can easily achieve our goals and reached our destination.

I found you from the @dreemport.

You have a very valid point. People are scared of expressing themselves in what they do out of fear of other people's opinions.

Yet they are quick to do as other people do because they yearn for recognition. And as you say, eventually they end up in a "prison" created by someone else, yet they have no one else to blame but themselves.

If only people can realize, people who are successful...the ones that stand out, are actually the ones who gave expression to their own uniqueness without the fear of other people's opinions. In some cases, as I have heard, they even were about the reactions and responses that might be coming their way, but they went ahead and did it anyway.

Thank you for sharing this information with us!

I got here via @dreemport.

Hello @baned. I liked your article. You are correct in your assessment of asking yourself you is really in control of your life. If people spend less time thinking of what others will think or say about anything concerning them, then they'll have more time to figure out exactly what they want to do and how they should go about it.

Thanks for sharing.

Read through @dreemport

I immediately screamed Jesus 😆 but you are right, these days we refuse to take charge and just sit at the back in our own life ride.

Meanwhile, @dreemport brought me here.

This post is spot on
So many these days are driven by what others want them to do or trends on social media that they feel
They are happy because they fit neatly into categories forced upon them by friends or society

Stepping back from everything and taking time to dwell on one’s own passion thoughts and inclinations is needed to make changes to do what you really want to and be truly happy

Thanks a lot my dear friend.
I’m so happy that you get to read this post and say something nice about it.

You encourage me a lot man and I’m happy that I met you.

I’m going to check your new photograph post,I always like feeding my eyes. 😅

Its a pleasure to read your post this one got me thinking which is always a good thing

Have a good weekend

Thanks for the positive feedback.
It’s a huge encouragement to write more

Just the truth as I see it

Keep them coming

I think we just got to stay true to ourselves and not let society brainwash or force us to do things we don't want to do.

Eventually, we must have our own stand to do the right thing.

I found you through @dreemport

You are on point man.
Oh @dreemport did a great job sending you here.

Yay! 🤗
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