
I hope you will participate in this weekends topic...I'm not sure what it will be, but something. Get your creative hat on. (I might limit the characters or words this week, there were some long comments last time.)

Hahaha, I actually congratulate you on the idea, it is really nice and once I feel inspired I can't focus on anything else like worries and stuff like that. Limiting the number of characters would be wise, there are some who really write and write and write.... 👀👀😂😂

there are some who really write and write and write...

Hmm, yes there are indeed. Lol.

I've got a few ideas, and am open to suggestions.

Favourite food and why. Or worst food experience. But then there would be too many "how I threw up" kind of stories lol. I have food in my mind now😂

Food is always good! I want to open it up so that people can write literally anything. I think it could be fun and will probably do it each week. Maybe pick up a sponsor or two. Could be a good way to expose people to other people, get some introductions happening.

Exactly! That is why I loved the initiative, it helps people open up more. Mmmm foood😍😍