On being aware about the Constitution in Norway; Which principles should be learned?

in OCD2 years ago


There should be no noises around us, and we should do the thinking, the feeling and the actions of our own. And there is trouble and bad competence when getting noises some places, and the ranking in the world shows who is best in leadership and management everywhere.

This Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway is a limited and hereditary monarchy, founded on the principles of sovereignty of the people, separation of powers and human rights (Art. 1-2). So, this is meaning that the people should determine many decisions that are taken in any society, but there should be separation of powers and human rights due to what you know, and due to which academic title you are holding, and there can be many bad things also with the education systems, and therefore we cannot just accept anything.

Why was the Norwegian Constitution written? The Norwegian constitution was inspired by the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the French revolution in 1789, and the subsequent U.S. and French constitutions. The authors were Christian Magnus Falsen and Johan Gunder Adler, and they were also influenced by the Spanish Constitution of 1812.

The Constitution of Norway (complete name: The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway was adopted on 16 May and signed on 17 May 1814 by the Norwegian Constituent Assembly at Eidsvoll. The latter date is the National Day of Norway; it marks the establishment of the constitution. We should always have properly positions about what we know, which study programs we have taken, and what we ever have learned about different things doing on, and we cannot be blamed for anything, because the trouble comes when people in the organizatons do not know enough, and when they are in trouble because they are not learning enough to the appropriate times.

What are the constitutional philosophies? Constitutionalism is the idea, often associated with the political theories of John Locke and the founders of the American republic, that government can and should be legally limited in its powers, and that its authority or legitimacy depends on its observing these limitations. And this means that education programs are just a philosophy and the meaning of many people, and the needs that are required several places, and we should be in opposition with our bounded rationality, if people and the authority are having opinions that is not in accordance with that view. And the answer is to follow the highest education programs and research programs in the colleges, in the business schools and in the universities.

The first three words in the Constitution are the most powerful: We the People. They declare that the Constitution derives its power not from a king or a Congress, but from the people themselves. So, when the masses are making the philosophy about what is going on in any society, we have a democracy, and in any democracy it is people that determine what should be done, and it is the people that govern how things should happen.

All the rights and the freedom executed in the Constitution in any country, should be followed by doing none discrimination of anyone. And there is a protection and application for that in the laws and the rules. Discrimination is happening when you are treated more badly when another person in the same situation as you or me. And this treatment cannot be defended objectively and with reasonable reasons.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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